Message from @Monstrous Moonshine

Discord ID: 646481098208968705

2019-11-19 22:42:34 UTC  

those damn black irishmen

2019-11-19 22:42:39 UTC  

IQ can be change drastically be malnutrition, by education

2019-11-19 22:42:45 UTC  
2019-11-19 22:43:10 UTC  

why should it be our job to improve the IQ of third-worlders?

2019-11-19 22:43:17 UTC  

IQ potential is fairly well established by your genes but that requires meeting some environmental factors

2019-11-19 22:43:31 UTC  

who said anything about improving third world IQ?

2019-11-19 22:43:32 UTC  

@D3bug_logic What you're referring to is Flynn Effect, which is hollow for g

2019-11-19 22:43:44 UTC  

IQ can be lowered by malnutrition and poor education, but the max value is capped by your genetics.

2019-11-19 22:44:01 UTC  

well Iq is part genetic, part luck and part env.

2019-11-19 22:44:02 UTC  

Iq potential...

2019-11-19 22:44:03 UTC  

i thought you could practice iq

2019-11-19 22:44:11 UTC  

In other words, the environmental effects mostly effect non heritable subtests of the IQ test

2019-11-19 22:44:13 UTC  

like, literally

2019-11-19 22:44:23 UTC  

open borders is basically a re-framing of the "white man's burden" - like it's our job to fix other countries.

2019-11-19 22:44:25 UTC  

if you practice IQ tests youll get "smarter"

2019-11-19 22:44:28 UTC  

>Black Elves >Orcs are made from corrupted elves >

2019-11-19 22:44:42 UTC  

No it doesn’t work like that

2019-11-19 22:45:00 UTC  

@Krisemann IQ is a fraud made my IQ tests companies

2019-11-19 22:45:04 UTC  

Subtests like Block Design, Matrix Reasoning etc. are more heritable and Flynn effect doesn't effect those subtests much

2019-11-19 22:45:09 UTC  

groper solution get rid of them because we are catholics!

2019-11-19 22:45:17 UTC  


2019-11-19 22:45:32 UTC  

At least get the spelling right you retarded boomer

2019-11-19 22:45:39 UTC  


2019-11-19 22:45:43 UTC  

Guys you should move that IQ talk to the debate chat

2019-11-19 22:45:43 UTC  

are you attempting to grop me gropper?

2019-11-19 22:45:50 UTC  

@Krisemann I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. IQ determines your ability to learn, not how good you are at a test.

2019-11-19 22:45:52 UTC  

Identity yvuropa moment @Monstrous Moonshine

2019-11-19 22:45:52 UTC  

> spelling is wrong, there is no valid argument

2019-11-19 22:45:54 UTC  

okay gropper

2019-11-19 22:45:56 UTC  

@Cpt. Ovidiu i mean i guess it was made with good intentions but imo IQ is a mere indicator more than an actual objective form of measure

2019-11-19 22:46:08 UTC  

i don't want to get rid of any americans. black americans are americans and their problems are our problems. what i don't want is new problems from people who aren't americans.

2019-11-19 22:46:09 UTC  

(or maybe he is calling you a gropper)

2019-11-19 22:46:15 UTC  

@Cpt. Ovidiu "groper solution get rid of them because we are catholics!" is not an argument regardless of the spelling

2019-11-19 22:46:16 UTC  


2019-11-19 22:46:23 UTC  

@ArmouredHeart explain how im able to get 300+ on the iq test i found on facebook then <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

2019-11-19 22:46:28 UTC  

There's no way to determine true intelligence

2019-11-19 22:46:32 UTC  

Yeah he didn’t have a argument in the first place

2019-11-19 22:46:45 UTC  

but yeah theres no real form of measure for IQ

2019-11-19 22:46:48 UTC  

LMAO thanks @Monstrous Moonshine we agree its not an argument b.c gropers are not catholics