Message from @Szayel's Pooppion

Discord ID: 500433284547870730

2018-10-12 02:22:58 UTC  

That face šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

2018-10-12 20:43:39 UTC  

I kinda want to ask a question but itā€™s alil inappropriate. I guess I should read more Freud but Iā€™m interested in sexual psychology and I have ideas about it. For instance I understand homosexuality & pedophila to be extreme examples of taboo perversions, and Iā€™m interested in looking into how that comes about in childhood. BDSM is another perversion & the way I see it is, as long as it doesnā€™t go to the extremes, which they have safe words and practices so that it does not, and ofc as long as youā€™re married, itā€™s okay. But what Iā€™m interested in with this as well is how this perversion comes about. If you find yourself attracted to bondage is there a correlation with trauma, etc in childhood, & in the case with people who like normal/vanilla sex, does that mean that traumas in childhood were not repressed to the point it tainted their sexuality?

2018-10-12 20:47:38 UTC  

Iā€™m also curious if being attracted to rough sexual play is simply a biological and natural thing being that, when you look at animals, they donā€™t look like theyā€™re ā€œmaking love,ā€ but what also comes to mind is how widely common rape in olden times was. Not that rape itself is normal, but I just wonder if that caused people to evolve in a way to desire roughness

2018-10-12 21:14:42 UTC  

Sorry if this was too much lol

2018-10-12 21:51:15 UTC  

Sex is one of if not the last "primal" thing that humans do

2018-10-12 21:52:03 UTC  

Everything else has slowly been replaced, such as most humans don't hunt, as they have food at the grocery store

2018-10-12 21:52:31 UTC  

So with sex being so primal, it's natural for it to be rough and agressive.

2018-10-12 21:52:40 UTC  

Most primal things are

2018-10-12 21:53:10 UTC  

Which is why the best sex is rough sex, it's a primal instinct

2018-10-12 21:59:50 UTC  

but what also comes to mind is how widely common rape in olden times was...Sounds like SJW propaganda to me

2018-10-12 22:03:51 UTC  

I would say all sexual perversion stems from some sort of abuse, God's will for sex is making babies. Bondage is weird, homosex is weird, doggy style is weird. Animals dont care because they are just that, animals. they are here for us, and God causes them to procreate for us. We as humans created in His image are called to a higher path.

2018-10-12 22:04:34 UTC  

If you are having sex on a primal level, you live in an animalistic state, serving your lust and not God's will.

2018-10-12 22:06:04 UTC  
2018-10-12 22:10:19 UTC  

Also, among adults, nothing is "too much" as long as you are asking questions and not promoting.

2018-10-12 22:11:51 UTC  

@kernalkrackerz if a lack of hunting causes you to seek primal fornication, I will gladly take you hunting šŸ˜ƒ

2018-10-12 22:21:39 UTC  
2018-10-12 22:21:43 UTC  

He didnā€™t say fornication

2018-10-12 22:22:06 UTC  

Fornication is wrong, whether itā€™s rough sex or vanilla

2018-10-12 22:22:43 UTC  

Not necessarily SJW. Idk why you thought that.

2018-10-12 22:23:12 UTC  

I didnā€™t say that I was angry that rape was common. Wasnā€™t slaughter common? Wasnā€™t pillaging common? Yes but I have no problem with it bc to me thatā€™s just life

2018-10-12 22:24:06 UTC  

So Iā€™m kind of firm on the point that I feel any sexual perversion is not normal. However I donā€™t think that makes it wrong. To say that spanking, rough sex & doggy style is weird and unnatural itā€™s a far stretch to me

2018-10-12 22:25:21 UTC  

I agree sexā€™s prime & ultimate purpose is to have children. But at the same time, women should submit to their husbands & give sex as a way to relieve his stress. That sounds like such a rigid and boring way to go about to only have sex missionary style if thatā€™s the correct implication

2018-10-12 22:28:04 UTC  

So I ultimately think that when men and women are sons and daughters of god and are under godā€™s umbrella & protected via marriage; they are free to explore their kinks together as they wish. Now, the thing that is more of a topic of concern and issue to me is how much emotions are going to be stirring the pot. Itā€™s true that even when youā€™re having sex in the correct way through marriage, it can still cause some emotional turmoil.
This is true whether theyā€™re vanilla or dom/sub. Thatā€™s also something Iā€™d be interested in talking about

2018-10-12 22:28:39 UTC  

If it's in the confines of God's definition of marriage, that should be up to the couple. I'm personally not alright with saying what couple can and can not do when it is within marriage.

2018-10-12 22:29:19 UTC  

Thatā€™s how I feel, I was just curious to see what others think about sexuality

2018-10-12 22:46:01 UTC  

@DasBoles I go hunting plenty on my farm

2018-10-12 22:46:39 UTC  

It's just that many of our primal instincts have been pointless for quite some time due to our society

2018-10-12 22:46:43 UTC  

Who says rape was ever common?

2018-10-12 22:47:00 UTC  

It was extremely common for the most of human history

2018-10-12 22:47:29 UTC  

The notion of "consent" is pretty new to humans

2018-10-12 22:47:43 UTC  

According to whom? Can you give references to such a claim?

2018-10-12 22:48:02 UTC  

We used to be a bunch of savages thay raped and murdered anything we could

2018-10-12 22:48:05 UTC  

Y'all are wrong on this sex stuff.

2018-10-12 22:48:23 UTC  

lol wut, im in the lefty channel on accident.

2018-10-12 22:48:37 UTC  

And hunted animals daily as it was our only real way of eating

2018-10-12 22:48:39 UTC  

Sex is a holy act, yall are perverts

2018-10-12 22:48:50 UTC  

Other than picking fruits and berries

2018-10-12 22:49:33 UTC  

Then we slowly learned how to farm, and to raise animals and slaughter them, so we no longer needed to use our primal instincts of tracking and hunting

2018-10-12 22:50:47 UTC  

This lead to people banding together, and having a leader designate who farms what, and who makes what to have an optimal harvest of food, and plenty of tool and clothes to use.

2018-10-12 22:51:05 UTC  

Which in turn led to city becoming a thing