Message from @Al Capwned
Discord ID: 649054857642115083
I've met her lmao
Traps are a moral good.
But did you *meet* her
I’ve met her too, tight ass
Nah her bf was there too 🙄
Also I’m pretty sure she has dwarfism but that doesn’t bother me
You know how when you’re on a plane and the oxygen masks drop from the roof?
You know how they say “Put your own mask on before you assist others.”?
Well, you’re a socially anxious mess in need of serious counseling.
Fix yourself before attempting to fix others.
I bought them both dinner
I’m fine
@svarozhyc hi
@livid_scrooge I genuinely want that to be true.
We both know it’s not.
My house would be perma-frost
You literally have no evidence that I’m not
Prove a negative?
Use contradiction.
@svarozhyc oh I just got it, thanks
You can’t get through a debate without hyperventilating.
You maintained for months that you were an “asexual pony”.
You admit that you have no friends and never leave the house.
Dude. Serious. This stuff is fixable.
Lol no worries
Talk to a professional. They can help.
You are beginning to piss me off
is this really new to you livid
it shuldnt be
Don't piss on yourself mate
that nasty
We got ourselves a standoff