Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 645265799115833345

2019-11-16 10:10:53 UTC  

@Jym Most likely the last one-some paid crook whose job is to lie about politics. I know these people make good money by fooling around the Internet, so I would bet it is a real person who just has a bunch of accounts and this is his full-time job.

2019-11-16 13:30:18 UTC  

Doesn't make a lot of sense as these accounts have no reach. Who would pay for such low engagement?

2019-11-16 14:02:51 UTC  

I really don't know a lot about the situation in your Western "cyberspace" but here in the East it is common practice for politicians to hire a number of trolls to spread essentially the same message over all possible platforms and when they do it well they can make enough money to sustain themselves. Of course, salaries and expenses here are like 4-5 times lower than what you make in the West, but still it is enough money so they can support their efforts. May be the same business model is spreading to you, too.

2019-11-16 14:04:25 UTC  

I mean they pay some modest amount of money to a troll and he makes like 100 accounts using IP hiding software. And then he links all these accounts to each other in a kind of "secret web" so that to an outside person it appears that there are actually a bunch of people talking in a real group or something.

2019-11-16 14:06:09 UTC  

But in order for one person to be able to do so much work he needs to essentially just repeat the same message-the same syntax, the same mistakes, the same words, the same grammar all over the place cause it would be too laboursome for one guy to try to manage all these accounts if he was to reinvent the same message all over the place.

2019-11-16 14:06:29 UTC  

Can this explain what you see?

2019-11-16 14:09:01 UTC  

Oh no I am familiar with the practice I follow a good bit of NatSec and geopolitical content where the subject comes up fairly often.

2019-11-16 14:09:17 UTC  

It is a common practice to see such "groups" here in the East and when we do we just get in and make a total fun out of them so any newcomer should know this guy works for money, i suggest you do the same with this person, too, just get in and troll the sh*t out of him to see does he relies by posting the same message all over the place or does he actually has some brains and it turns out it's a bunch of people reposting sh*t.

2019-11-16 14:09:37 UTC  

A gen5 fighter can cost billions to develop. You can hire a troll farm for next to nothing.

2019-11-16 14:10:19 UTC  

In my country the salary of a troll is about $400 for a "beginner"

2019-11-16 14:10:41 UTC  

It is more a threat assessment situation for me. A few accounts with a very low reach is noise not signal from that perspective.

2019-11-16 14:10:56 UTC  

but if you manage to show some skill at deception and make good use for your employer it can reach up to $1000, so basically you are right.

2019-11-16 14:11:26 UTC  

An eastern European troll farm costs next to nothing when compared to the money such campaign can make you.

2019-11-16 14:12:25 UTC  

Better would be (and I am not accusing here just what our analysts seem to be saying) to set up a few socks as 'opposition' then spread copypastas of the 'disinformation'. Those copypastas then have more reach that the origonal posts.

2019-11-16 14:13:12 UTC  

I'm just telling you what is my experience here.

2019-11-16 14:13:37 UTC  

And our cyberspace is infested with such trolls.

2019-11-16 14:14:29 UTC  

I'd say you are not alone there. Really the only defense is to get good at separating noise from signal.

2019-11-16 14:14:40 UTC  

They prefer making groups on social media as thou there are many of them and create false conversations so the reader may think more people think like that than there actually are.

2019-11-16 14:14:55 UTC  

They also manipulate likes and dislikes and stuff.

2019-11-16 14:15:45 UTC  

Absolutely I've watched this happen in real-time on this platform.

2019-11-16 14:15:54 UTC  

On Discord?

2019-11-16 14:16:50 UTC  

Yes. A sudden influx of accounts that do not normally comment concertedly affirming a position to manufacture consent.

2019-11-16 14:17:20 UTC  

It's a lot *easier* when a platform has upvotes of likes or whatever.

2019-11-16 14:18:13 UTC  

I have seen such behaviour on other platforms, but haven't been really that popular on Discord, so I don't really know.

2019-11-16 14:19:02 UTC  

I've organically culled a lot of my social media presence.

2019-11-16 14:19:13 UTC  

I basically only follow Sargon here and it is because he has a good grip on the situation in England right now and is fairly well suited to be a good narrator.

2019-11-16 14:19:30 UTC  

I like the funny jokes he makes too.

2019-11-16 14:19:58 UTC  

Otherwise I'm too busy with my job and stuff to monitor every God damn platform out there.

2019-11-16 14:20:41 UTC  

I concentrate primarily on YouTube, the political part and BitChute to get my information in as concise form as possible.

2019-11-16 14:21:21 UTC  

I'm at a position with my work that basically they let me run my own show so I generally put in bluetooth and listen to content all day.

2019-11-16 14:22:06 UTC  

I don't trust the media-neither mine, nor yours and get most of my information by carefully searching for independent blogs and analysis-or even better-scientific publications, to inform myself on what is going on in the world.

2019-11-16 14:26:20 UTC  

I go to a lot of subject-matter experts. Not because I agree with them but because their focus is more on what the capcities are.

2019-11-17 21:14:32 UTC  

@breadmoth, what are YOU doing here?

2019-11-17 21:14:46 UTC  

oh, that's right.. i invited you.

2019-11-17 21:15:58 UTC  

We hang in Veethena

2019-11-17 23:07:51 UTC  


2019-11-18 05:20:17 UTC  
2019-11-18 14:58:31 UTC  

Imagine only demanding a million USD to overthrow a dictator.

2019-11-18 14:58:41 UTC  
