Message from @Lathan_TX
Discord ID: 331234105918226433
Low testosterone
I buy gallons. You need to find a local source. Here in Texas they use our local water holes and distill it here. I buy it off the shelves but it wasn't sitting in a hot truck
I buy plastic bottled water off the shelves but it's not sitting in a hot truck. It taste pure
Seems pretty reliable if I could get a well put in here and run a filter system seems safe Florida aquifer is right under our feet most places problem is it's most likely contaminated with fertilizer and heavy metals
Ok so what water should we be drinking again? Distilled only?
That's what I do
If I drink more than a gallon then I'll switch to another good tasting non distilled water
Is Ozarka ok? I like its taste
Ozarks is pretty much Texas water I believe
Could be wrong idk
I believe here in Texas they're all local water sources for Ozarka
I drink Ozarks if heb is out
We don't have heb in the dee eff dub yet lol
When to go out of town grab a gallon
If you like water you'll like heb
Thoughts on super male vitality?
If we all sought super male vitality as much as we seek women we would still rule the world @Vice Commander Hunt
I don't think that stuff is worth it
If our ancestors had 5x our testosterone naturally then we can get it naturally too
And on average they did have 5x more test
There is no data to prove this but believe me dammit lol
There's your super male vitality right here
Natural Vs unnatural. Constant stimulation of the erect penis is unnatural
We were designed to hold it in
Why do they want us obsessed with sex
Because they want us at our weakest
Back when there was real men lol
Something is turning them into pussys idk what other than media
School probably and the acceptability of anything under the sun
Homosexuality was actually finally labeled a mental illness by a university in England i believe oxford but it never made the news
We have a happening. And it's glorious.
I remember if you wore a pink or purple shirt you where a fag in school