Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 640587797836726273
i want to rip my eyes out now
Let death comes to these fucks
drag downies make me think survival of the fittest needs to come back
that 42% tho
49% porn/hentai/traps/rape chat 49% shitposting and joking racism % 1 actual racism %1 intellectual conversation
Is that a problem?
Just busted the fattest nut while listening to Rhodesians never die
No porn involved just nutting to the song
It's a good song
@Kaiser Pepsi Mangood man.
:( tfw when you realise the likely hood of your country being yeeted in WW3 is pretty dam high
If children can fight wars why isn't Loli legal >:(
Why is it fucking teens is perfectly ok then these liberal retards in the 70s come up with "pedophilia "
If she can bleed she can breed smh
oh boy
well, I've got an even edgier one
**If her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock**
0 aint
God, just typing that makes me feel icky
**If she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me**
(((If she's crawling she is in the right position)))
Git gud
Wtf is with these liberals talking bout recycling but they won't let me use there dead fetuses as a fucking flesh light
Fucking hypocrites
yeah man
I wanna fuck the corpses of dead people
why are these LIBTARDS
saying I can't?