Message from @Jack of Trades
Discord ID: 641341451770396702
ah yes
getting jewed
Here is a pic of the most recent eclipse
In full hd
tbh a lot of the weinstein stuff was casting couch type situations
both parties are guilty
systems like that only exist by women allowing it to happen
otherwise no women would be in movies
they could always say no to Weinstein's diddle
but the greedy whores wanted that Hollywood money
plus they didn't come out with it until it became advantageous to do so
Wait a second
There's republicans in california???
Democrats are only in the big cities
California is just one big city tho
Atleast it will be when everyone in the countryside dies from the wildfires
Isn't it weird how the big cities are the most green politically
we should just annex Mexico
Ah so that's why Kurds get the gas
the beanie has spoken
would cut down on illegal immigration and we could curb stomp the cartels and put a hurt on the drug trade
Take over* ftfy on drug trade
Had the time for USexico come?
@svarozhyc true
@Stig2002 *sees no E in username* wait... that's illegal
im a chad anyway
yes but you arent a chad with an e in their name
u blind
unless your gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey stig?
if you have to try to convince people that you're a chad, odds are you're not a chad
Hey, Yankees, are you finally going to annex Mexico?
why would anyone do that
if you win you lose