Message from @Ethreen42

Discord ID: 641924907214700575

2019-11-07 08:49:26 UTC  

Just watched a bit of MajorKill's video on Arch; God he's made the salt-cow fat.

2019-11-07 08:52:06 UTC

2019-11-07 08:54:04 UTC

2019-11-07 08:54:27 UTC  

"JuST wiN OvEr tHe InVadeRs"

2019-11-07 08:55:18 UTC  

the only way the Republicans would ever win the minority vote is by abandoning the few conservative values it still has

2019-11-07 08:55:20 UTC  

and even then

2019-11-07 08:55:43 UTC  

why vote for the cheap democrat-knockoff when you can vote for the real thing?

2019-11-07 08:55:46 UTC  

Maybe the people who invented planned parenthood were onto something

2019-11-07 08:55:50 UTC  

When it comes to "the Jewish question", truth should prevail tbh. What should be done is anyone's game if truth isn't prevailing.

2019-11-07 08:56:47 UTC  

The only way the Right would win is by abandoning the idiotic notion of 'magic dirt' and embracing 'Blood and Soil'

2019-11-07 08:57:26 UTC  

Probably too early to push for "Blood and Soil"

2019-11-07 08:57:36 UTC  

in a public setting anyway

2019-11-07 08:57:53 UTC  

though they should do away with the magic dirt notion asap

2019-11-07 08:58:05 UTC  

Obviously not by that name

2019-11-07 08:58:18 UTC  

But addressing the arguments associated with it

2019-11-07 08:58:59 UTC  

That's why I don't dwell too much on the X immigrants votes Y arguments

2019-11-07 08:59:09 UTC  

That's only a junction for the true arguments

2019-11-07 08:59:33 UTC  

Even if they voted Republican, they don't have a universal right to our lands

2019-11-07 08:59:52 UTC  

It's not about blood though, it's about being similar enough that details are actually details.

2019-11-07 09:00:24 UTC  

sure, they dont have to be pure blooded Anglos or anything

2019-11-07 09:01:09 UTC  

all europeans (though obviously biased towards Northern/Western ones) should be allowed it if they meet the criteria

2019-11-07 09:01:19 UTC

2019-11-07 09:02:15 UTC  

Racial homogeneity is conducive to social cohesion and a better nation

2019-11-07 09:02:30 UTC  

"U dont want invaders to libe here >:(((((("

2019-11-07 09:02:47 UTC  

Race doesn't mean shit if the other guy is a soyboy.

2019-11-07 09:03:07 UTC  

rather have a soyboy they a non-white ngl

2019-11-07 09:03:21 UTC  

soyboys tend to be genetic dead ends

2019-11-07 09:03:22 UTC  

How about 3 soyboys?

2019-11-07 09:03:26 UTC  

LMAO! That thot cancelled herself from TPUSA despite being cucked on almost all issues

2019-11-07 09:03:30 UTC  

And a democratic government.

2019-11-07 09:03:39 UTC  

Now she's neither in this camp nor that

2019-11-07 09:05:14 UTC  

look soyboys are still whites, they tend not to have kids and even if they do that child could end up being right-wing, unlike non-whites who tend to have high numbers of kids who vote left

2019-11-07 09:05:58 UTC

2019-11-07 09:06:01 UTC

2019-11-07 09:06:03 UTC  

It's hard not to vote left when reverse racism is a thing.

2019-11-07 09:07:47 UTC  

"reverse racism "

2019-11-07 09:07:52 UTC  

God people still use the term reverse racism. Can’t just call it what it is. Racism.

2019-11-07 09:07:54 UTC  

just call it racism retard

2019-11-07 09:08:19 UTC  

It's hard to take you seriously when you use terms like " reverse racism"

2019-11-07 09:09:12 UTC  

Note for actual racists:
A race to the bottom does not destroy the bottom.
Lower quality does not mean reduced quantity.
See: current population growths