Message from @Timeward

Discord ID: 644047419897806858

2019-11-13 05:06:55 UTC  

Yeah, yeah, I was meming on ya

2019-11-13 05:07:19 UTC  

Remember this fucking asshole?

2019-11-13 05:19:32 UTC  

Emperor Palpastein did not kill himself
do not fall for rebel propaganda

2019-11-13 05:26:19 UTC  

So uh guys

2019-11-13 05:26:27 UTC  

if you ever see a crowdfunding thing go wrong

2019-11-13 05:26:43 UTC  

at least be thankful it didnt go as bad as the Peter Madsen case

2019-11-13 05:27:29 UTC  

the dude crowdfunded the building of his own submarine

2019-11-13 05:27:37 UTC  

a swedish journalist went to him to do something

2019-11-13 05:27:43 UTC  

probably a story

2019-11-13 05:27:57 UTC  

and he killedher

2019-11-13 05:28:01 UTC  

he raped, murdered and dismembered her

2019-11-13 05:28:15 UTC  

*totally a maritime accident*

2019-11-13 05:28:31 UTC  

tossing her body parts out of the sub with metal bars shoved through to keep it down there

2019-11-13 05:28:38 UTC  

then he sunk the sub to try and cover it up

2019-11-13 05:28:55 UTC

2019-11-13 05:29:50 UTC  

he's currently serving a life sentence in I believe Denmark

2019-11-13 05:33:45 UTC  

Time for you all to get schooled on why breasts are objectively one of the most attractive things on the female body. Humans are the only mammal to have evolved with permanent breasts. This means unlike other creatures (even primates) breasts on a human are not merely for feeding offspring. Actually just like all other mammals female humans do not develop mammary glands until she starts lactating when having offspring. So in theory the fatty breasts on female humans have no reason to develop and be permanent, except to be there for sexual attraction. Think of breasts like peacock feathers. They are big, irritating, pointless and only there to attract a mate. But unlike with peacocks where it’s the male, in humans because of how hunter gather societies evolved it was the female who had to attract the alpha. The nice round, soft, squashy and most importantly symmetrical were one of the things that evolved in this pursuit. Symmetry is very important because it’s naturally one of the most appealing and attractive things to humans. Think about it why else would the tit be placed perfectly in the center of the breast? You don’t put a nozzle in the center of a barrel. It’s no where nearly as effective.
Lastly is how the Breasts and nipples reacts during sex and sexual arousal. Blood rushes to them and can get sexually aroused. They can even cause the same dopamine response sexual climax as clit or vaginal stimulation from all the way up the body. So tell me why they would be so effected and effect the female so much during sex if they were not one of, it not the most important thing in the female sexually besides the vagina? I would even go as far to say it rivals the clit to certain degrees. Tits are not sexual because of culture or Learned behavior it is innate in human evolution soooo TL;DR Tits >ass

2019-11-13 05:34:30 UTC  

@Gustavus Adolphus Jokes on you

2019-11-13 05:34:41 UTC  

you cant educate me on something I agree with

2019-11-13 05:35:07 UTC

2019-11-13 05:35:44 UTC  

gustavus, you wasted so much time and effort yet still so wrong
ass all dayy erry day nigga

2019-11-13 05:36:01 UTC  


2019-11-13 05:36:17 UTC  

Then give me your objective facts bitch

2019-11-13 05:36:27 UTC  

butts r cute

2019-11-13 05:36:34 UTC  


2019-11-13 05:36:38 UTC

2019-11-13 05:36:45 UTC  

Shit comes out of the ass

2019-11-13 05:36:50 UTC  


2019-11-13 05:37:00 UTC  

Stuff the your body is trying to get rid of

2019-11-13 05:37:06 UTC  

shit is thisallowed

2019-11-13 05:37:15 UTC  

can I even post that

2019-11-13 05:37:17 UTC  


2019-11-13 05:38:49 UTC  


2019-11-13 05:38:52 UTC  

Why not

2019-11-13 05:39:20 UTC  

Also almost all animals have an ass so it’s not special

2019-11-13 05:40:30 UTC  

You can’t deny I’m spitting facts and tits objectively evolved to be more sexual then the ass

2019-11-13 05:40:41 UTC