Message from @𝓢𝓸𝓵ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็𝓻

Discord ID: 509384637944954880

diversity is european genocide

2018-11-06 15:04:50 UTC  


2018-11-06 15:05:08 UTC  

white Americans saved the Puerto Ricans from white spaniards - which is why I dont understand Puerto Ricans that think America invaded them or something - the island was worse off under a Spanish monarchy

America is not the world leader anymore, the ywont be interjecting into shit apple things liek that anymore

if someone is getting assfucked, they arnt coming to save you, this is fact. America has pulled out as world leader

makes me so angry how they send whites off too die in the millions

2018-11-06 15:09:19 UTC  

The Spanish would brutal

theres things we can do to curb white gencoide

people need to red pill their peers and locals

showing them the grey area the middle ground

you can wear swastika flag and not be a nazi... magine that!

2018-11-06 15:10:52 UTC  

As a fashion statement?

as a symbol of white pride

hitler was an asshole but the soldiers were gangster as fuck

just tilt the swastika a little bit to make it sanskrip

if anyone has a problem just say you lived in thailand for years

when a blue eyed white dragon comes around you both will feel an immense feeling of strength and glory

IRL trolling or pride... sometimes i cant tell

if you ever go to jail, i did a few months, i seen shitloads of whites with nazi symbols

its a symbol of militant white unity, thats what i learned in my time on earth

white nationalism if you will

ive seen alot of hells angels with nazi tats, young HA prospects too with swastika tats, ive seen them do business and associate with colored people, it seems to me colored thugs recognize the nazi symbol as white unity

2018-11-06 15:20:34 UTC  

I have a lot of thoughts I won’t go into.

phrase it right mr moderator 😄

it must be hard censoring your self hahaha i know i cant do it very well, i can when im heavily invested but..

2018-11-06 15:24:05 UTC  

@noobpocket You have any written sources for the african language stuff?

2018-11-06 15:25:59 UTC  

The powers that be have rewritten a lot of history. They control the current narrative. I can agree with you that our schools lied to us about everything. There are certain opinions I won’t share. But I’ll simply state my personal opinion that Europe would’ve been better off had the Allies lost. What is happening there isn’t natural; all people should be allowed to remain homogenous if that’s their sovereign decision. If France wants to sovereignly decide to be multicultural, and they peacefully choose that, so be it. But if Hungary doesn’t want immigrants, and wants to maintain their culture, and do it legally and peacefully, just as France, the EU kvetches, recoiling in horror, calling them Nazis. It’s in the best interest for me to stop there. But the current model of Cultural Marxism is being applied to Colonial stock Americans like myself, who come from the old families from the original colonies.. Us Nordic, Teutonic Anglo’s.

2018-11-06 15:26:40 UTC  

The melting pot is a lie.

2018-11-06 15:26:59 UTC  

We’re frogs in boiling water.

2018-11-06 15:27:20 UTC  

@Lars Steffensen - I can when I get off of work around 4pm eastern.

2018-11-06 15:27:35 UTC  

That would be much apprciated!