Message from @ATG
Discord ID: 277999650643116032
Can I wear a Roman centurion outfit?
so there should be some form of dress code
Take a point from Ukrainians and wear a certain color tape around your arms
Then we can get a fuckin colored armband I dont know
Why dont we just agree to disagree and wear SS uniforms
no armbands, armband=nazi
Nobody should show up looking like a fucking autist. In my eyes, a huge part of this movement is public perception. We need for us to be the good guys and ANTIFA to be the bad guys
Armbands are a definite no go
I went to LARP as a Roman centurion
according to normies
They are *normalfags* @Gunblast
Arm bands are not just Nazi
or NPC's
my personal favorite
Commies wear them too. Plus, they're not red.
Dude I'd love to march out there and piss them off but it wouldn't be effective
We must jew the jeww
We dont have enough people imo
Antifa is probably very active in Chicongo
Not in one area
Arm bands could be swung as Nazi's cause media is "oh so fair" in its coverage so if armbands are a thing we have to keep it simple with no logo's just color
Sure, we have about 500 people so far - but Antifa usually has hundreds gather in one place, states often cross over
Yes. Just a yellow armband.
They're unopposed in Seattle as well @Hernán Cortés
No design, black, symbols.
All I've said is that armbands and matching maga hats will just give the media ammo
@Gunblast A uniform is pretty standard. White shirt + red hat + jeans
What if the only required uniform is a hat with velco on it so we can wear an anticom patch to ID friendlies
What @tinaVey said
Seriously we can't go LARP and meme. This has to actually be serious