Message from @Flavius Stilicho

Discord ID: 642829637210210315

2019-11-09 20:48:39 UTC  

Stamp out decent and hope the future gens will forget about the commotion

2019-11-09 20:49:13 UTC  

New Franco?

2019-11-09 20:49:27 UTC  

Already made the joke bucko

2019-11-09 20:49:31 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:49:42 UTC  

Get back in line boy

2019-11-09 20:49:51 UTC  

<:angrypepe:497157904743268363> <:shitbear:595704476447277081>

2019-11-09 20:50:17 UTC  

Dont make me break out the whip boeh

2019-11-09 20:50:26 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:50:46 UTC  

<:salt:501105964758466586> <:FeelTheBarn:591276979844808734>

2019-11-09 20:50:49 UTC  

Keep these Weegros in line

2019-11-09 20:51:15 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:51:29 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:51:38 UTC  

decent is something else

2019-11-09 20:52:00 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:52:12 UTC  

@Uksioik ik is typo is all

2019-11-09 20:53:03 UTC  

**Laughs in Superior Mediterranean Race**

2019-11-09 20:53:08 UTC  

Fucking weegros <:ahegao:462286952335671296>

2019-11-09 20:54:04 UTC  

Ah which are you

2019-11-09 20:54:43 UTC  

While you Anglo faggs where all like "Muh pure whiteness"
We SUPERIOR MEDITERRANEAN COLONIZERS cucked the natives and banged their women

2019-11-09 20:55:20 UTC

2019-11-09 20:55:28 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:55:36 UTC  

No Portugal

2019-11-09 20:55:45 UTC  


2019-11-09 20:55:49 UTC  

The little rectangle that could

2019-11-09 20:56:20 UTC  

Made biggest colony

2019-11-09 20:56:46 UTC  

I say shit Anglos but...

2019-11-09 20:57:31 UTC  

Yeah was about aren’t you two best friends

2019-11-09 20:57:32 UTC  

@Flavius Stilicho both first and last european colonial empire too

2019-11-09 20:59:04 UTC  

Hell we held on to Macau for longer then the Brits did for Hong Kong sooo

2019-11-09 21:03:20 UTC  

@SideTracker in response to you

2019-11-09 21:04:37 UTC  

Do i know him?

2019-11-09 21:04:41 UTC  


2019-11-09 21:04:44 UTC  

Am i suppose to know him

2019-11-09 21:04:46 UTC  

he knows yer portugese tho

2019-11-09 21:04:49 UTC  

Should i care

2019-11-09 21:04:53 UTC  

he's spanish

2019-11-09 21:05:04 UTC  

So what i love the spanish

2019-11-09 21:05:22 UTC  

they don't love you

2019-11-09 21:05:23 UTC  

I banged a spanish girl in Sevilla

2019-11-09 21:05:31 UTC  

She loved me alright