Message from @kernalkrackerz
Discord ID: 512021264018178048
You shouldn't put your sexual needs over your children.. Thats just wrong
Wrong even for straight people
So Just to make sure I understood. You think I should ignore my gay needs and Just put the children First?
If u feel the need to have children that badly, then you should probably work to overcome it..... Not ignore it... U cant make problems go away by ignoring them
Fair point.
Children dont choose their parents so better not to make it hard on them
Life is hard enuf alreddy
Kids just want to be normal
But overcoming being gay is quite a Challenge These days
Everything is a challenge
If ur not willing to overcome a challenge for the benefit of your own child then you def should not have children. U dont deserve them.
Like what if someone said im a heroine addict and want children but quitting heroine is too hard so im going to just ignore that and have kids anyways
Wow, what a truth bomb. Thank you. Didnt think about IT Like that
Ya yer welcome.
That’s true
I haven’t thought about much if gays desired a children and family badly. That must be a tough thing
I honestly wouldn’t know how to overcome that. But for sure having children requires putting our own desires to the side
Yep sure does
There’s only one way or the other, be content with having a same sex partner or overturn the homosexuality in order to create a family in the natural way
Well its not like theres only one way or the other but it would be selfish otherwise
After they are grown up and leave the home to start their lives, be as gay as you want
Lol yeah but then that means you only married a woman just to have the child
So that’s not right
That also wouldn’t be natural
The only reason your here is because of thousands of years and many generations of your family putting aside their needs and wants to raise a family
You should do the same for your family
It would be a great dishonor to your long lineage of ancestors to throw away having a family to fulfill your own selfish needs
@Szayel's Pooppion lol yah id be pissed if my husband was like well the kids r off to college by the way im leaving you to be a fag now
I was assuming the worst that they would be a single parent or something
Ahhh I see
I guess they could do that too
Of course if your married to someone, that's the only person you should have any romantic intrest in
But these days most people divorce or don't even marry
So in the end it's up to him/her
Yeah. Ofc that doesn’t make it right
It doesn't make it right
But in the end my opinion has no effect on most people