Message from @AlawnaBanawnaCanawda
Discord ID: 512006214662750220
Lolthat dumpster fire doe^^^
Lol yeah, thass a good juan
SI SI SI see nor
Mama mia
Si si si
how was the show today?
didnt get to watch
about to catch up once i get off
@Orlando i caught the last hour was pretty funny
Hope everyone is having a good afternoon.
Having an amazin afternoon . haa baa yew
It was great thanks for asking
How do you guys deal with being gay but wanting a normal family?
What do u mean deal with
Like does anyone else have that problem?
Is that your problem?
I dont think its right to put kids thru that... You would be trumping your own needs over a child's needs
As long as the children benefit, youre right with god
But thats just my opinion.
I think its a choose one or the other kind of situation
Can you elaborate a bit on that? I dont think I fully Understand
Elaborate on which part
Children do better in a two parent home with a father and mother. Why would you want your child to start off on the wrong foot? If you want a family that bad then it makes no sense to want your children to suffer
That makes sense
You shouldn't put your sexual needs over your children.. Thats just wrong
Wrong even for straight people
So Just to make sure I understood. You think I should ignore my gay needs and Just put the children First?
If u feel the need to have children that badly, then you should probably work to overcome it..... Not ignore it... U cant make problems go away by ignoring them
Fair point.
Children dont choose their parents so better not to make it hard on them