Message from @kernalkrackerz
Discord ID: 537455678579539969
^lmao what a BEEYTUHH
i just watched JLP-s interview with destiny, who i generally dont side with, but jesus this man is retarded, god give me patience of destiny
coz he is a BEYTAH
wtf is this
an australian standing up for his people
Fraser Anning, the man who made the mistake of using the words "final" and "solution"
i like jesse but why is he so pro israel?
israel is big gay
Israel is Biblical
so is job
I don't recall jesse being pro israel
I never even heard him speak of israel besides their wall
God Bless Israel!
Islamic propagandists can shove it
Israel is no good
We send them 40 billion a year
But can't get 5 billion for a wall
It's not imperalism
The illuminati is against us
not Israel
"She doesn't deserve it [to be raped] because she's very bad, because she's very ugly. She's not my type, I'd never rape her. I'm not a rapist, but if I was, I wouldn't rape her because she doesn't deserve it." Bolsonaro
Red man bad
Native man bad
Do Y'all like Country? I love Country music. I am from Virginia.
Lol wtf ☝️
they are drilling a kid with questions... who isn't there to answer them
typical levels of bravery I would expect from a genocide denier
Brave man
Canada is sorry everyone
For what
just everything
Oh good
Bout time you accept responsibility
yeah soory aboot that
no one is ever up at this time on this discord