Message from @Richmondbread
Discord ID: 537449000639528960
you are a BETA male!
Am I good singer? What do Y'all think?
^lmao what a BEEYTUHH
i just watched JLP-s interview with destiny, who i generally dont side with, but jesus this man is retarded, god give me patience of destiny
coz he is a BEYTAH
wtf is this
an australian standing up for his people
Fraser Anning, the man who made the mistake of using the words "final" and "solution"
i like jesse but why is he so pro israel?
israel is big gay
Israel is Biblical
so is job
I don't recall jesse being pro israel
I never even heard him speak of israel besides their wall
Islamic propagandists can shove it
Israel is no good
We send them 40 billion a year
But can't get 5 billion for a wall
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
It's not imperalism
The illuminati is against us
not Israel
"She doesn't deserve it [to be raped] because she's very bad, because she's very ugly. She's not my type, I'd never rape her. I'm not a rapist, but if I was, I wouldn't rape her because she doesn't deserve it." Bolsonaro
Red man bad
Native man bad
Do Y'all like Country? I love Country music. I am from Virginia.
Lol wtf ☝️
they are drilling a kid with questions... who isn't there to answer them
typical levels of bravery I would expect from a genocide denier
Brave man
Canada is sorry everyone
For what