Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 623592827783479296

2019-09-17 18:42:37 UTC  

The triumvirate is nothing but a ROUND TABLE-a place where teh heads, or their representatives, of each of the three institutions of society can meet and propose texts for referenda.

2019-09-17 18:43:43 UTC  

Referenda are the only way to change the constitution and are important for other stuff like production decisions or secession or the inclusion of territories and also for declaring war.

2019-09-17 18:44:44 UTC  

Basically-the super important stuff is either decided by a 2 to 3 vote in the Truimvirate, or by a direct referendum amongst all able-bodied, and minded, citizens of legal age.

2019-09-17 18:44:57 UTC  

The triumvirate is composed of:

2019-09-17 18:46:13 UTC  

The head of the Judiciary responsible for law enforcement-he is chosen DIRECTLY by the people through a hierarchical system of communities of communities and so on down to the common man.

2019-09-17 18:47:29 UTC  

So basically he is like a prime minister but he doesn't have the authority to write the laws-there is no parliament for it, it's the constitution only who acts as a written law and everything else are discussionable clauses of clauses of the constitution.

2019-09-17 18:48:10 UTC  

The second one is the Chief-of-staff of the military and he acts as the supreme commander of all armed forces-in one way or the other on the territory.

2019-09-17 18:49:12 UTC  

It is THE ONLY purely hierarchical position a society should has and it is him who ultimately has an authority over military forces if civil unrest ensues.

2019-09-17 18:50:04 UTC  

E. g. if there are some kind of massive protests it is within his jurisdiction to yeet all the law enforcement, so this is why he MUST be on the Truimvirate.

2019-09-17 18:50:59 UTC  

His position is the result of a long string of requirements drawn by the military itself, but WITHIN the premises of the constitution.

2019-09-17 18:52:17 UTC  

It means, yes, the military can make *some* rules as to who is qualified to lead them, but ultimatley they can't break the constitution and if they do, than the judiciary can call the Triumvirate and yeet the supreme commander of the military and a part of his staff.

2019-09-17 18:52:28 UTC  

And the third one is the

2019-09-17 18:52:33 UTC  

no good name for him

2019-09-17 18:52:44 UTC  

but basically the guy who runs the economy.

2019-09-17 18:53:06 UTC  

Economy is comprised of series of enterprises who are given PERMITS,

2019-09-17 18:53:20 UTC  

it means they are controlled by the judiciary in a sense

2019-09-17 18:54:20 UTC  

to do some sort of activity but simultaneously they give off their production either to the military for the purpose of defense of the country,

2019-09-17 18:54:58 UTC  

or, they give off the products of their labour to the judiciary which then writes the rules to redistribute them among the citizens.

2019-09-17 18:55:01 UTC  


2019-09-17 18:55:09 UTC  


2019-09-17 18:55:15 UTC  

It's not communism, OK?

2019-09-17 18:56:06 UTC  

In return for what it produces different local communities give different productive enterprises different right and priviliges.

2019-09-17 18:56:49 UTC  

So in order for an enterprise to be successful it must produce something of an enough value so the locals don't yeet it out of their jurisdiction and give the permits to someone else.

2019-09-17 18:57:14 UTC  

Anyone who can convince a local council he can do some job can get a permit to do any sort of activity.

2019-09-17 18:57:40 UTC  

And once one gets the permit he can HIRE whomever he wants in accordance with the local rules.

2019-09-17 18:58:37 UTC  

This is how business is done in this system and if you want to be successful you must be skilled in a lot of things to be able to run a successful enterprise, which most people-AREN'T!

2019-09-17 18:59:06 UTC  

It means-we don't put anyone as chief of production for something cause muh, family, or the party, or whatever.

2019-09-17 18:59:34 UTC  

And enterprises ARE pitted against each other constantly on a varying scales and for a variety of reasons.

2019-09-17 19:00:32 UTC  

HOWEVER, any enterprise in the modern economy requires the produce of other products, be it materials, machines, special services or whatever.

2019-09-17 19:01:15 UTC  

It means that on some level there must be a SUPERSTRUCTURE which is comprised of various enterprises conflicting over each other for their produce.

2019-09-17 19:02:17 UTC  

This superstructure is what elects the economy representative in the Triumvirate and it's laws and regulations are entirely IN-BUILD by the enterprises themselves, but with in the limits of the constitution.

2019-09-17 19:02:51 UTC  

So, if the constitution says you can't pollute as shit, they can't do it.

2019-09-17 19:03:30 UTC  

Or if the constitution says no nuclear power or no coal, they can't do it either.

2019-09-17 19:04:05 UTC  

Ultimately the judiciary has control over the economy, but if they go too far, the enterprices have a hidden clause.

2019-09-17 19:04:19 UTC  

They can call in the military for the protection of their rights.

2019-09-17 19:04:29 UTC  

So ultimately-the system is simple

2019-09-17 19:04:42 UTC  


2019-09-17 19:04:44 UTC  


2019-09-17 19:05:36 UTC  

If there is a quarrel amongst the communities they take it to the Triumvirate to be decided by either a 2 to 1 vote or by a direct referendum.

2019-09-17 19:06:07 UTC  

Quite a complicated system indeed, but nevertheless, unique!

2019-09-17 19:06:21 UTC  

No place on the current political spectrum.