Message from @Kevin FL
Discord ID: 336904453741477889
Haha. Who's got the aspirin?
We need to truth bomb about White Genocide in South Africa today.
Spread the word.
Well how proud'a boy was ya?
That proud boy video was singularly the gayest most mind numbing garbage I've ever seen. There is no way that's not satire. If it's not I'm thinking of putting them in the front of the line for the gas chamber
It's true
More race mixing propaganda
It was kind of catchy though
This passed and I move to Texas.
WV already has it iirc
Anyone have any ideas on how to make waterproof posters
Because these summer rains are becoming a everyday thing
Laminate them
And of course it had to be this year we haven't had these types of storms the past few years
Oy vey! David Godsteinberg is throwing storm after storm.
Afternoon brothers
Had a relationship ending argument with my cousin yesterday
Damn, what happened
He's marrying a Mexican woman, raising her child. She's a social worker who works on assisting illegal invaders
Tried to redpill?
I knew it
That's disgusting
That's traitorous
Most grating of all, she's hyphenating her name. The surname of my grandfather will die with him
So much race mixing lately. An employee of mine married a Mexican.
He's even raising her child by another Mexican man
that's cucked
"My wife's son!"