Message from @Autokratōr Pavlov

Discord ID: 626835950118371329

2019-09-26 15:24:35 UTC  

nobody gives a shit about our example

2019-09-26 15:24:45 UTC  

india is still dumping trash into the river

2019-09-26 15:26:12 UTC  


2019-09-26 15:35:42 UTC  

I mean are we even surprised, the left just wants to feel good screaming at people instead of actually doing things that will help anything

2019-09-26 15:37:10 UTC  

Its why they just stand in the streets screaming when conservatives actually get together and remove a metric fuckton of waste in LA and other places.

2019-09-26 15:40:25 UTC  


2019-09-26 15:56:19 UTC  

Then when you point that out they just throw a tantrum, vomit out whataboutisns, call you a partisan, and cry in the corner because they have no real arguments.

2019-09-26 15:56:49 UTC  

<:thunk:462282216467333140> <:thunk:462282216467333140> <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2019-09-26 15:57:42 UTC  


2019-09-26 15:58:03 UTC  

CNN edited out 500 words from the transcript to make it seem against trump

2019-09-26 15:58:52 UTC  

Are we even surprised tho

2019-09-26 16:14:18 UTC  

I like how they are trying to make Greta the Helen Keller of Climate Change

2019-09-26 16:16:02 UTC

2019-09-26 16:18:25 UTC  

Peak Partisan

2019-09-26 16:19:08 UTC  

They just handed the rest of their party to the leftists and any battleground representatives will lose their seats if they support it.

2019-09-26 16:28:18 UTC  
2019-09-26 17:32:04 UTC  

Just got out of a class and we were having a debate about Universal College and at one point it came down to “the rich should pay and no one else”. I’m from a relatively wealthy family (top 5% US) and I have two questions: 1.) Why do people demonize the rich and 2.) why do they believe the rich should be responsible for their education fees?

2019-09-26 17:32:36 UTC  

I should clarify “should pay” means “should be taxed”

2019-09-26 17:40:03 UTC  

Well people tend to demonize the rich partly out of cultural reasons (movies books ect you never really see too many good rich people) and out of jealousy. Its mostly a matter of the haves and have nots. People tend to hate people for having more than them. As for 2 its probably due to the genrally idea of the steriotypical rich guy hordeing his wealth just so others cant have it. Or the idea that just because another person has wealth they should contribute twice as much. Almost like a pence for simply having more than an average person.

2019-09-26 17:42:16 UTC  

Youll have to pardon me if that arugment is a little incoherent i have a pounding headache.

2019-09-26 17:47:26 UTC  

@Autokratōr Pavlov Nah it makes sense, kind of a “Robin Hood’s a hero until he steals from you”. thank you, I was just annoyed it’s a community college and I was the only “rich kid” there, just felt pretty alienated and didn’t understand why they disliked people like me w/o knowing me and felt entitled to my family’s wealth

2019-09-26 17:47:54 UTC  

enforced altruism

2019-09-26 17:48:52 UTC  

I think it comes from a lack of personal responsibility and a blend of uncharacterized jealousy.
People seem to feel more entitled to other peoples wealth these days. I think it's because we have a culture where people feel that massive wealth is obtained through dubious means.
I've seen people just flat out believe that all wealth is stolen from "the little people". It's strange.
I think it's a lack of personal responsibility because they don't want to take control of their personal future.
Anyone can find a way to be educated in America in this day and age, however how much "effort" one has to put into it varies on individual. People feel jealous of people who have it "easier" and covet their position.
I feel like a lot of people have a hard time understanding that life isn't " fair".

2019-09-26 17:55:42 UTC  

Yea I could just see the envy in their hearts man. They only referred to the rich kids as “spoiled rich kids” blah blah blah. I got so mad man I fucking blew up dude I said “the money in my hand is only tainted because it isn’t in yours” and I think that’s a pretty good way to sum it up. All of my friends work just as hard as anyone. I’m black and I really can see how it relates to how its “acceptable” to villainize white people today

2019-09-26 17:56:40 UTC  

Crazy man why can’t we just live in a world where people just chase a fucking bag and not worry about who’s next to you

2019-09-26 18:03:43 UTC  

Because rich people never aknowledge the sacrifices people make to maintain a country and economic system that allows them to make money, to get educated enough to be viable in the way they are.

2019-09-26 18:06:52 UTC  

I don't see millionaires going down and shaking the hands of truck drivers for delivering their companies products on time despite harsh conditions. The wealthy invest and pretend like their intellect or their choices are what got them there when there's blood on that money. There's some guy pushing himself 60 to 80 hour weeks to get that investment profitable. The rich at best have a PR issue and at worse don't care.

2019-09-26 18:10:46 UTC  

Sure there's risk involved but do the poor risk less? What's the good of money if you can't even live your own life because your supervisor intentionally supresses your transfer request so your stuck making 40k instead of up to 80k after 20 years with a company? I didn't see the rich stock holders of Pepsi giving a single shit for that.

2019-09-26 18:13:37 UTC  

I effectively lost the best job I could get in my current circumstances because I didn't know the completely rude, casually dressed dickhead that literally tossed his keys at me while our parking was full was not just a VIP, but the vice president some ways up the chain of ownership of the restaurant I was Valeting for.

2019-09-26 18:14:18 UTC  

I kept my mouth shut, didn't say anything, but because I didn't jump when he whistled, he snapped his fingers and suddenly I don't work there anymore

2019-09-26 18:14:52 UTC  

Hey it's okay as long as they turned a profit.

2019-09-26 18:15:06 UTC  

Just pisses me off.

2019-09-26 18:15:31 UTC  

my coworker made some bullshit reasoning that I was supposed to 'research' the local VIPs names and faces, but that's absoilutely fucking unreasonable for how many degrees of seperation this guy's authority came from

2019-09-26 18:16:05 UTC  

said coworker, by the way, did recognise him, and made no effort to inform me of his identity until after the incident

2019-09-26 18:16:11 UTC  

They probably didn't want to give you a raise and keep that turnover higher.

2019-09-26 18:16:53 UTC  

I knew a guy who worked at Boeing that kept getting raises and objected to it because he knew they wanted to lay him off so they pushed him into that threshold.

2019-09-26 18:16:55 UTC  

I hardly believe it was planned that far ahead, but god help the guys who were newer than me there, I guarantee they don't know any VIPs by heart

2019-09-26 18:17:14 UTC  

You'd be surprised.

2019-09-26 18:17:52 UTC  

Maybe not at that company but there's internal lists companies keep with your start dates and when it goes off for 2 years they start finding ways to fire you or lay you off.

2019-09-26 18:18:04 UTC  

and as for pay, it was Valet, dude. it was $7/hr