Message from @Mavalance

Discord ID: 627904010137108514

2019-09-29 16:20:35 UTC  

Tough question.

2019-09-29 16:20:37 UTC  

or what should be

2019-09-29 16:20:51 UTC  

easy to come up with draconian answers

2019-09-29 16:20:58 UTC  

*What should be?* Mass deportation and striping their citizenship

2019-09-29 16:21:01 UTC  

Will that happen? No.

2019-09-29 16:21:44 UTC  

putting that aside, for the sake of arguement lets say who is in your country stays.
how do you de-islamify areas?

2019-09-29 16:22:21 UTC  

You push for British ideas and Values

2019-09-29 16:22:31 UTC  

how though?

2019-09-29 16:23:05 UTC  

you make it unacceptable to want to undermine them

2019-09-29 16:23:10 UTC  

Though you guys have it much worse there are pockets of islam in the US as well. so I'm curious how one could fix it.

2019-09-29 16:23:30 UTC  

Giving schools more power to punish parents whom prevent their children from attending school. Pushing harder to educate them in 'British values'. Attempt to breakup their ghettos through moving more people into the area (cultural / ethnic gentrification). Banning Halal and Koshur slaughter of animals. Being more restrictive in the building of local places of worship.

2019-09-29 16:23:32 UTC  

To name a few.

2019-09-29 16:23:42 UTC  

It is fine to have your religion and practice it. Yet if you do anything to counter what the country you are living is in and stands for, Then that shouldnt be allwoed

2019-09-29 16:24:27 UTC  

Basically. Indoctrinate their young to think like us. Make it harder for them to practice their religion.

2019-09-29 16:24:49 UTC  

Because we are just that much better then them. We do not allow the condoning of their deaths. Unlike what they would do to us

2019-09-29 16:25:37 UTC  

From a tactical standpoint that makes since, but doesn't forcing people out of their religion go against the rights of the individual?

inb4 don't let them in in the first place. obviously that's the best solution.

2019-09-29 16:26:00 UTC  

If you care about the rights of the individual then you need to be fine with them practicing their religion

2019-09-29 16:26:05 UTC  

And you will never solve the issue.

2019-09-29 16:26:07 UTC  

Simple as.

2019-09-29 16:26:14 UTC  

That is the caveiat.

2019-09-29 16:26:21 UTC  

We allow them to go against us

2019-09-29 16:27:04 UTC  

do you not think there is a middle ground to be had?

A place where we can uphold the values of individual rights, but still curb the spread of islamification?

2019-09-29 16:27:28 UTC  

unfortunately i dont think so

2019-09-29 16:27:35 UTC  

Neither do I

2019-09-29 16:27:45 UTC  

You want to force people to do something

2019-09-29 16:27:50 UTC  

You have to violate their rights

2019-09-29 16:28:36 UTC  

Please don't take offence that I hope you are both wrong.

2019-09-29 16:28:56 UTC  

Even if you did offend, we wouldn't care. It's fine

2019-09-29 16:29:06 UTC  

that we are wrong in that we dont think there is an alternative?

2019-09-29 16:29:12 UTC  

There's no way of fixing this while "respecting" the individual rights of those people

2019-09-29 16:29:16 UTC  

They want to live like that.

2019-09-29 16:29:20 UTC  

Simple as.

2019-09-29 16:29:28 UTC  

imagine respecting the rights of the individual

2019-09-29 16:29:29 UTC  


2019-09-29 16:30:46 UTC  

Well where does it stop then? This is why I hope you're wrong. This path leads down to purity tests and jailing for wrong think

2019-09-29 16:31:10 UTC  

that is why we are not planning for anything like that

2019-09-29 16:31:16 UTC  

It stops when the people are happy and the party doing that isn't elected into parliament anymore

2019-09-29 16:31:19 UTC  

As one example

2019-09-29 16:31:43 UTC  

We should treat these people the same we would as anyone when theyre under our rule of law

2019-09-29 16:31:54 UTC  

Lol you have more faith in the integrity of government than I do

2019-09-29 16:32:00 UTC  

@Mavalance I agree with that