Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 634073789382131712

2019-10-16 16:57:08 UTC  

possibly but they will die eventually @Death in June

2019-10-16 16:57:25 UTC  

or they could also be corrupted by wealth

2019-10-16 16:57:34 UTC  


2019-10-16 16:57:48 UTC  

generally an autocrat can't really be bought out, at least not by domestic powers

2019-10-16 16:58:01 UTC  

because they can take whatever they want barring a coup or revolution

2019-10-16 16:58:10 UTC  

There are other ways to get them though

2019-10-16 16:58:14 UTC  

such as blackmail

2019-10-16 16:58:42 UTC  

If you are referring to pinochett chille did pretty well, it went from the third lowest to seccond highest South/centel American gdp per capital during his tenure.

2019-10-16 16:58:50 UTC  

money is just one of the many ways it can go wrong... thats why i have an issue with entrusting things to one individual like that... <:thinking_clown:590855640268668928>

2019-10-16 16:58:53 UTC  

i don't think that's true

2019-10-16 16:59:06 UTC  

chile grew at a slightly below average rate for latin america

2019-10-16 16:59:24 UTC  

and the real income of most chileans actively shrunk over time

2019-10-16 16:59:29 UTC  

not in relative terms but in absolute terms

2019-10-16 16:59:39 UTC  

GDP isnt the best marker for quality of life though

2019-10-16 16:59:43 UTC  

homelessness skyrocketed

2019-10-16 17:00:12 UTC  

chile did really well after the aylwin administration unfucked it

2019-10-16 17:00:39 UTC  

the idea of distributism really intrigues me

2019-10-16 17:00:51 UTC  

but it sort of seems like something thats impossible to achieve

2019-10-16 17:01:50 UTC  

the problem is that centralized control over resources is more or less a reality for any society that wants to stay competitive

2019-10-16 17:01:59 UTC  

industrial strength translates quite heavily to military strength

2019-10-16 17:02:51 UTC  

especially when you look at china as one of those competitors on the global stage

2019-10-16 17:03:11 UTC  

china is set to overtake the us in industrial capacity pretty soon i think

2019-10-16 17:03:30 UTC  

Some seem to think a collapse is inevitable

2019-10-16 17:03:57 UTC  

but... i dont know.. i sort of doubt that.. The chinese government can do whatever they need to prevent that from happening

2019-10-16 17:05:43 UTC  

i think what is so impressive about china, is that mathematically speaking... if even just half of their population stormed the government buildings.. there wouldnt be enough bullets to stop all the people. Really a flip could happen in less then a week if the people just banded together in massive groups... Sorry but 500 million people storming government buildings and shiz... theres no way they could stop it... but the chinese people will never do that.

2019-10-16 17:06:03 UTC  

The level of suppression that their government has achieved is scary but also impressive.

2019-10-16 17:06:05 UTC  

Why would they storm government buildings though?

2019-10-16 17:06:10 UTC  

QOL is increasing in China

2019-10-16 17:06:16 UTC  

A middle class is forming and expanding

2019-10-16 17:06:26 UTC  

i dunno the china collapse theories i've seen are just rooted in the idea that state planning is going to be their downfall or some such nonsense

2019-10-16 17:06:38 UTC  

i wouldnt trust the numbers coming out of china

2019-10-16 17:06:40 UTC  

on anything

2019-10-16 17:06:48 UTC  

The China collapsing theories are pushed by idiots looking at China from a Western perspective @Death in June

2019-10-16 17:06:53 UTC  

"They don't have freedom!!!!"

2019-10-16 17:06:54 UTC  


2019-10-16 17:06:59 UTC  

China basically never has had any

2019-10-16 17:07:11 UTC  

What they're getting now is more than any basically in their history

2019-10-16 17:07:12 UTC  


2019-10-16 17:07:15 UTC  

the chinese seem to have a very positive view of the chinese government from what i can see

2019-10-16 17:07:24 UTC  


2019-10-16 17:07:40 UTC  

They have to