Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 631586627570892801
Thank you. Lots to do but I got a lot done today. I really didn't think I would get this far.
That's one happy looking rhino :3
@Xaverius its a request stream,i dont control the shipping,the viewer controls me <:Ayaya:536141991856308224>
besides that i think it turned out well,and i do like tracer and rainbow dash tho they are not my faves
its less happy
But it sure is horny.
but miserable
what life is that
Brilliant rhino
Does it have milk?
sad rhino boy
hahaha. he's an incel.
Rhinos always look sad. Even when they are charging.
But it's still far from done.
He seems tired with someone's shit
The second from last is basically pure fiction, a popular misconception of the last profile image.
Sadly, the template is long dead, so I'd have to remake it to produce any more.
@Neutron-Bong™ Would you like me to upload the tutorial images I made? There are two sets.
@Goodwood of Dank™ yes please
Okay, gimme a couple minutes...
thanks dude
Here they come...
You can kind of see the progression for yourself if you've got any experience in Photoshop under your belt, but I'd be happy to explain anything. Now for the second set, which is a little less self-explanatory...
Obviously the second version of the "final product" is a result of having to check sources against one's own bone-headedness.
This lot was done close to fifteen years ago, and frankly I'd have to re-learn a few techniques were I to try to reproduce the template. Here's a couple more I had fun with; I'm sure you can tell which was the better end product.