Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 634040104968650753

2019-10-16 14:46:21 UTC  

but you can't spell "strawman"?

2019-10-16 14:46:23 UTC  

"liberalism is the path to enlightement.....believe this or die....but thats not collective"

2019-10-16 14:46:27 UTC  


2019-10-16 14:46:27 UTC  

It auto corrected

2019-10-16 14:46:34 UTC  

don't use autocorrect

2019-10-16 14:46:55 UTC  

autocorrect rape

2019-10-16 14:47:08 UTC  

"There are tribes massing political power against us.....but that's collective so I wont defend myself as a group"

2019-10-16 14:47:10 UTC  

@ManAnimal It autocorrects to "consentual" <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-16 14:47:18 UTC  


2019-10-16 14:47:36 UTC

2019-10-16 14:47:40 UTC  

"we just counted every chinese product you have ever bought. Guess how long you get to stay for, anon?"

2019-10-16 14:47:42 UTC  

Note: ppl with the upper hand give up their privileges granted via superiority due to a feeling of an inevitable victory.

2019-10-16 14:47:46 UTC  

>mfw he doesn't realize nobody but him is talking about Collectivism

2019-10-16 14:47:57 UTC  

A sign of good will.

2019-10-16 14:47:58 UTC  

@Grok epic

2019-10-16 14:48:06 UTC

2019-10-16 14:48:35 UTC  

"your social credit score has gone below 0, anon. you must now give us your kidney, or your daughter will"

2019-10-16 14:48:37 UTC

2019-10-16 14:48:40 UTC  

"I'm too preppy to be a punk
But I'm too punk to be preppy
Or maybe I'm just jaded
From the headlines I see"

I woke up with this little stanza in my head. Genre intention is something like this

2019-10-16 14:48:58 UTC  

It's cheesy and shitty as hell but the once in a blue moon I have a song idea it's always cheesy and shitty

2019-10-16 14:49:00 UTC  


2019-10-16 14:49:28 UTC  

Good video; better dancing girl

2019-10-16 14:49:40 UTC  

hard to pay attention to the voice over

2019-10-16 14:49:50 UTC  

time-index included

2019-10-16 14:51:48 UTC

2019-10-16 14:52:21 UTC  

@Danacrag awwww

2019-10-16 14:52:55 UTC  

damn that skirt is short

2019-10-16 14:53:02 UTC  

<:thronk:571379667924287490> how's this sound as the beginning of a song

2019-10-16 14:53:12 UTC  

I woke up 10 minutes ago so my voice isn't up yet

2019-10-16 14:53:16 UTC  

Kinda cute but also disgusting fagotry that should be a crime @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

2019-10-16 14:53:18 UTC

2019-10-16 14:53:21 UTC  

but I wanted to put this somewhere

2019-10-16 14:53:40 UTC  

click video i posted above; hot dancing girl

2019-10-16 14:54:15 UTC  

@Danacrag your rampant homosexuality makes you a hypocrite

2019-10-16 14:55:06 UTC  

so apparently this is a thing

2019-10-16 14:55:47 UTC

2019-10-16 14:55:48 UTC