Message from @ApplicationBot

Discord ID: 593068661108113408

2019-06-25 10:12:14 UTC  

yea thats a real quote

2019-06-25 10:12:20 UTC  

fist soviet union

2019-06-25 10:12:29 UTC  

exact quote by vladimir putin himself on june 13 2013

2019-06-25 11:09:50 UTC  

just because that word is mispelt doesnt makes the queote less true

2019-06-25 11:10:07 UTC  

Bit of a odd reasoning you have there but, nice spot nontheless

2019-06-25 11:23:49 UTC  

@Deleted User you made that image didnt you

2019-06-25 11:23:53 UTC  

fake quote

2019-06-25 11:24:18 UTC  


2019-06-25 11:24:23 UTC  

signs of your typing

2019-06-25 11:24:25 UTC  

so sad

2019-06-25 11:47:56 UTC  

mo nigger

2019-06-25 11:48:03 UTC  

its from the yuri vid

2019-06-25 11:48:23 UTC  

its a 1980`s production

2019-06-25 11:48:46 UTC  

so it did got added by the vid uploader

2019-06-25 11:48:54 UTC  

but he did actaully said it , its on vid

2019-06-25 11:49:07 UTC  

he goes on stating that its isnt the fault of the jews

2019-06-25 11:49:23 UTC  

but the fault of the ppl for being weak and falling for that shit

2019-06-25 11:49:29 UTC  

as teher will always be another jew

2019-06-25 12:41:53 UTC

2019-06-25 13:22:53 UTC  

i feel bad for all kids going through school rn

2019-06-25 13:23:07 UTC  

and for being told they need to grow up and realize school is good

2019-06-25 13:23:22 UTC

2019-06-25 13:23:28 UTC  

everyone should read this quote

2019-06-25 14:04:20 UTC  

That's all I ever hear. " It wasn't implemented correctly" really?

2019-06-25 16:59:51 UTC  

Просто вы нихрена не понимаете, потому что вас надо покорить. Путин принесёт вам скрепы на ваш загнивающий Запад.

2019-06-25 17:01:50 UTC  

А всех фашистов выебут в жопу.

2019-06-25 17:13:29 UTC  

@Deleted User вот Путин придёт и принесёт порядок в Гейропу вашу и Пендостан

2019-06-25 17:28:49 UTC  

@TheRedLion (S.*.I.*.) - вот тебе, варвару, лично принесут духовные скрепы, а то ты погряз в своём безбожном материализме.

2019-06-25 17:32:41 UTC  

Comrades, what the hell!? Why those misters don't like Russian orthodox fascism?

2019-06-25 17:36:42 UTC  

@Varg вот школы - зло

2019-06-25 17:37:22 UTC  

Всех детей нужно в поле выгнать

2019-06-25 17:37:29 UTC  

Землю пахать

2019-06-25 18:39:27 UTC  

@Hebusssss jeunesse communiste

2019-06-25 18:39:57 UTC  

My comrade he is from Lion

2019-06-25 18:40:07 UTC  

and he is member of this organization

2019-06-25 18:52:24 UTC  

Avec salut de proletariat, au revoir

2019-06-25 19:15:26 UTC  

@Musketar (Alex) what are they doing