Message from @(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ doom clit ♥

Discord ID: 604115276526649345

2019-07-26 00:12:18 UTC  


2019-07-26 00:12:30 UTC

2019-07-26 00:16:18 UTC  

coochie collecting school

2019-07-26 00:31:05 UTC  

>why not like juche

>Best Korea

>Manly army choir

>Makes USA shit itself and sperg out with nukes

>remains a communist state USA failed to destroyed, still technically at war with burgers

>media claims they eat babies and are literally satan, doesn't care and goes on anyway

Korea is a literal chad nation.

2019-07-26 00:35:52 UTC  

but they aren't marxist though

2019-07-26 00:38:55 UTC  

Marxism and communism are still part of the Juche ideology, IDK why that rumor was spread they aren't. They still hold to the ideals of past Communist states and the leaders like Marx, Engels, Stalin, etc.

2019-07-26 00:39:32 UTC  

Its better then modern China after Mao's death TBH. Where they hero worship Marx which is good imo but then turn around and let McDonalds in and let cappies do their thing.

2019-07-26 00:40:39 UTC  

there's too much misinformation spreading about

2019-07-26 00:41:13 UTC  

but i've heard from comrades that juche does neglect or even straight up abandon historical materialism

2019-07-26 00:42:15 UTC  

Juche talks about it a lot, and has with the USSR been a supporter of a lot of revolutions. Burkina Faso is one off the top of my head I can name.

2019-07-26 00:42:30 UTC  

Today they do a lot even with what limited supplies they have with things such as aiding Syria.

2019-07-26 00:45:27 UTC  

so do you follow juche?

2019-07-26 00:46:24 UTC  

I would say yes, its probably the closest thing that I would match myself with.

2019-07-26 00:47:09 UTC  


2019-07-26 00:51:45 UTC  

Juche and North Korea remains incredibly tenacious. Even to this day. Like with Cuba, Vietnam, China, etc. You get deterioration and movement away from their more socialist roots, like China being praised by ancaps and capitalists in some cases for accepting their sweat shops and being good for western businesses, and Vietnam being somewhat similar and helping USA with their navy. Or with how things seem to be in Cuba which is uncertain at the moment. North Korea has been through several leaders, been through a war with the U.S, and technically is still at war with them, and lived.

2019-07-26 00:52:02 UTC  

IIRC they currently are even older then the USSR.

2019-07-26 00:53:03 UTC  

And in that time there has not really been a change. They still try their best with a communist economy, a lot of issues due to their land (north korea is very mountainous and does not have a lot of good farmland) and due to sanctions forcing them to be self reliant, which is what Juche was supposed to be about.

2019-07-26 00:53:47 UTC  

To just their entire troll factor, that the western media spergs about them constantly and they become a strawman for almost every argument and yet they stand.

2019-07-26 00:54:38 UTC  

Some of its to lol at the South Koreans like how one 15 year old girl got arrested for having a yaoi manga since it was "obscene" which one would think with all the propaganda would be something claimed against North Korea.

2019-07-26 00:55:08 UTC  

so how does juche avoid deviations like in vietnam or china

2019-07-26 00:58:25 UTC  

TBH on their situation, unsure. Perhaps it was due to their isolation. Perhaps it was due to Juche's stated goal of self reliance that makes them hostile to capitalism in general. Perhaps it can be even a social thing due to the causalities sustained in the Korean war. It would require some historical psychoanalysis.

2019-07-26 00:59:15 UTC  

I think its been firmly cemented in their culture at this point from all their years. They are known as the troll like communist nation with the nukes, and a lot of Koreans are happy on that.

2019-07-26 00:59:44 UTC  

They absolutely think capitalist nations and the like are as bad as the western nations think Korea is.

2019-07-26 00:59:55 UTC  

Some of that gets cemented with a few defectors hold on.

2019-07-26 01:00:30 UTC  

doesn't north korea have a market economy

2019-07-26 01:00:50 UTC

2019-07-26 01:00:50 UTC  

not on a large scale, but they did have some market reforms a few years back

2019-07-26 01:01:21 UTC  

depends a lot of it was talked about in our old lefty pol thread here

2019-07-26 01:01:47 UTC  

There was some reforms under Un but it remains mostly planned economy still and socialist.

2019-07-26 01:02:06 UTC  

Though also since their position in the world also keeps them within that way.

2019-07-26 01:02:34 UTC  

Their culture is very much tied to socialism. Like for example their don't hate the American people just the goverment.

2019-07-26 01:02:49 UTC  

And feel Americans are living under a horrible capitalist system ~~which i would say is true~~

2019-07-26 01:03:25 UTC  

on more from their lulz is that a lot of inof is "Saddam has WMDs tier"

2019-07-26 01:03:43 UTC  

where people supposedly executed magically come back to life.

2019-07-26 01:04:11 UTC  

Or the atrocity propaganda ranges on absured

2019-07-26 01:04:32 UTC  

such as saying that they execute people with Piranha filled tanks.

2019-07-26 01:04:58 UTC  

yeah i've seen that pic before lol

2019-07-26 01:05:19 UTC  

Piranha's don't actually eat people, that myth was started since IIRC some tribes person or someone wanted to show off to another and didn't feed them for several days making them ravenous more then usual

2019-07-26 01:06:02 UTC  

Un's actually been more "liberal" you could say. Trying to tone down the cult of personality.

2019-07-26 01:06:45 UTC  

The cult mostly exists on North Korean's free will. A lot of them were used to monarchs (Korean, Qing, Japanese) and thus were drawn to a "Strongman" similar to like Castro's, though the Kims have tried to tone them down.