Message from @Cantwell

Discord ID: 614984242350522406

2019-08-25 00:41:45 UTC  

kind of funny you using that vapid argument

2019-08-25 00:42:25 UTC  

it isn't a empirical analysis, or even a statistical one as it has never been actually 100% fully correlated to a static body of data

2019-08-25 00:42:39 UTC  

it's why IQ so flawed as "STATISTICAL" analysis

2019-08-25 00:42:58 UTC  

it's a possible "measurement" not a way to analyze a group

2019-08-25 00:43:00 UTC  

What are you saying about the flynn effect?

2019-08-25 00:43:21 UTC  

@Cantwell it represents it's anti-empirical state.

2019-08-25 00:44:08 UTC  

it can't and isn't directly analyzing a static body of data *ever* and is never able to analyze it with other factors *ever*

2019-08-25 00:45:14 UTC  

it's why IQ is a joke in trying to prove "intelligence" in huge groups of people, whether they be litigated in a social, class, nation, or race level.

2019-08-25 00:45:43 UTC  

What do you think intelligence is?

2019-08-25 00:45:56 UTC  

there, that's another question it can't ask or even try to prove

2019-08-25 00:46:00 UTC  

its multifaceted and incredibly hard to define much less quantify

2019-08-25 00:46:12 UTC  

there are several different types of intelligence

2019-08-25 00:46:27 UTC  

What do you mean it can't ask?

2019-08-25 00:46:27 UTC  

emotional, interpersonal, logical, musical, bodily kinisthetic

2019-08-25 00:46:52 UTC  

Do you know what g is?

2019-08-25 00:47:02 UTC  

general intelligence yes

2019-08-25 00:47:20 UTC  

even so, there is no universally accepted way to quantify it

2019-08-25 00:47:30 UTC  

and what does that prove?

2019-08-25 00:47:32 UTC  

^ i kind of disagree with this too though.
I think it's generally useless to try to prove a measure of intelligence, trying to say "THERE CAN BE INTELLIGENCE ITS A TANGIBLE AND MEASURABLE THING" is a losing argument

2019-08-25 00:47:42 UTC  

you can't prove it

2019-08-25 00:47:49 UTC  


2019-08-25 00:48:01 UTC  

all this started because you said that black peoples lower intelligence contributes to poor behavior which leads to mistreatment during police interactions

2019-08-25 00:48:09 UTC  

and even thats a lie when you look at studies

2019-08-25 00:48:10 UTC  

@Cantwell what is intelligence in a person with various mental deficiencies

2019-08-25 00:48:32 UTC  

black people are several times more likely to be stopped and searched for example, despite being less likely to have contraband

2019-08-25 00:48:44 UTC  

It is the composite score of their different scores on various IQ subtests

2019-08-25 00:49:17 UTC  

@Cantwell no i'm asking you not in comparison with a regular population but instead in their ability to be "intelligent" in spite of those mental deficiencies

2019-08-25 00:49:29 UTC  

what is intelligence in that situation

2019-08-25 00:49:46 UTC  

It depends what mental defieincies you're talking about

2019-08-25 00:50:19 UTC  

why does it depend on them, they are mental deficiencies that make it harder to think, operate, and to retain information

2019-08-25 00:51:00 UTC  

Like what?

2019-08-25 00:51:16 UTC  

or if intelligence is simply a factor of a mental capacity, i'm a intelligent if I have the ability to think and operate beyond the capabilities of any other human but do not have the linguistic and social capability to communicate or even rectify these ideas and develop them further

2019-08-25 00:51:47 UTC  

@Cantwell it doesn't matter "like what" the point is that they are a lot more incapable than a normal person to operate on their evel

2019-08-25 00:51:47 UTC  

That can be true

2019-08-25 00:52:12 UTC  

That isn't likely but it can happen

2019-08-25 00:53:13 UTC  

ok than intelligence isn't what "IQ" is, due to it's incapability to take account of those factors, which immediately makes intelligence multifaceted in it's appearance.

2019-08-25 00:53:53 UTC  

If the former is true why can't we apply that to any tribal in 50,000 BCE where they didn't have those linguistic or social structures for that

2019-08-25 00:54:36 UTC  

Wait you're saying the highly intelligennt person wouldn't be able to use language?

2019-08-25 00:54:46 UTC  

so yeah point is, iq has nothing to do with the worse treatments blacks recieve during police interactions

2019-08-25 00:55:05 UTC  


2019-08-25 00:55:50 UTC  

what do you mean how?