Message from @One Fire One Nail
Discord ID: 624681552986767370
just came
is that a prion?
this twink's idpolpozzed culo and his libtard takes on socialism are turning me into a doomer
i can't hide my powerlevel any longer
We live in a broken country
with broken dreams
Hell hitler
Thank you sir for being part of the problem
This is what is that problem is
@Anakin Skywalker what you think
I think you should stop posting porn
You like lien
mash work on the mains
"we big strong america, we stop communism!"
*communist bombs the pentagon*
For your consideration
Tonight on Evening With Comrades we talk about the Climate Strike, Zapatista and Rojava, GM Strike, and a few other topics as well.
Do we have any left-wing twitchers? I would like to promote one here if it's good enough.
@DA GOMMIE JOO we need somebody to do twitch for leftypol.
do we actually know of any left-wing twitch streamers?
I don't.
neither do i
Thats better. Because no competition.
Like if someone start streaming.
We can even make some pocket money for him.
that's a pretty big commitment, I think we'd need to rope in someone who already has the equipment
Is hard to find a good material like that.
You don't need equipment to start.
You can start of with just a microphone.
is 20$ equipment
Party will provide.