Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO

Discord ID: 624801647108947993

2019-09-21 02:55:18 UTC

2019-09-21 02:55:18 UTC  

@향찰/鄕札 you're trash tbh

2019-09-21 02:55:33 UTC  

@Kaiser I had sex with more girls than you

2019-09-21 02:55:46 UTC  

woah savage

2019-09-21 02:56:00 UTC  

2x0 is still 0

2019-09-21 02:56:02 UTC  

you kinda learn to tune him out after a while

2019-09-21 02:56:11 UTC  

once you get really good at it you can bait him easily

2019-09-21 02:56:12 UTC  

nigga u obsessed with and haras sme

2019-09-21 02:56:19 UTC  

harass me

2019-09-21 02:56:51 UTC  

you literally started it

2019-09-21 02:56:56 UTC  

i mean the mod

2019-09-21 02:57:01 UTC  

this nigga got posts of mine from 2018

2019-09-21 02:57:43 UTC  

whoa last year

2019-09-21 02:57:54 UTC  

lol u dont know

2019-09-21 02:58:02 UTC  

this nigga literally saves so much shit that i write

2019-09-21 02:58:09 UTC  

if i delete this rn he will likely repost it

2019-09-21 02:58:11 UTC  

cuz he has it

2019-09-21 02:58:12 UTC  


2019-09-21 02:58:32 UTC  

he goes through this cycle of ideologies

2019-09-21 02:58:39 UTC  

he starts out with "I'm an antifa ancom"

2019-09-21 02:58:40 UTC  

and that falls apart

2019-09-21 02:58:51 UTC  

and gives way to "okay I'm a zionist but still a leftist"

2019-09-21 02:58:53 UTC  

and that falls apart

2019-09-21 02:59:05 UTC  

and he's left with "I think arabs should be gassed"

2019-09-21 02:59:05 UTC  

who the larper?

2019-09-21 02:59:07 UTC  


2019-09-21 02:59:10 UTC  

yeah this is niki

2019-09-21 02:59:15 UTC  


2019-09-21 02:59:38 UTC  

he went full wahabbi one time which was weird

2019-09-21 02:59:49 UTC  

bruh shut up

2019-09-21 02:59:51 UTC

2019-09-21 02:59:53 UTC  

u pissing me off

2019-09-21 03:00:00 UTC  

there's him with the FSA pfp

2019-09-21 03:00:58 UTC  

nigga why r u following me so much

2019-09-21 03:01:00 UTC  


2019-09-21 03:01:16 UTC  

this nigga remembered the name of an alt

2019-09-21 03:01:19 UTC  


2019-09-21 03:01:22 UTC  

that even i didnt

2019-09-21 03:01:23 UTC  


2019-09-21 03:01:30 UTC  

if someone else said it in a diff context i prob wouldn't know

2019-09-21 03:01:31 UTC  
