Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 311657498174160909
tfw /leftypol/ international is about to become /fashypol/ international 💩
Fascism can't be international
fascism is isolationist
unless it uses imperialism
Well it can be national on an international scale 👌
other way arounf
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would there even be a government
i think it would just work as a colony
You guys know that Marx was racist asf right? Sargon told me so...
sargon says he doesn't understand communism either
dear god
IQ is highly influenced by genetic factors, and IQ correlates to non-religiousness. What does /leftypol/ propose to do to increasing genetic quality of the proletariat?
russians hacking election
we don't see identity politics only class consciousness
what happened
my american history teacher said that sputnik could be used as a inert nuke to bomb the US
gotta put on those silicone hats
If the level of IQ in humanity is not increased, religion and superstition will continue.
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
Welcome to /leftypol/ a low-moderation channel. Feel yourself free here.
No amount of education can transform low-IQ patterns of thought.
how could you know that if it hasn't been tried yet
in cuba illiteracy is almost decimated
I mean specifically in relation to religiousity
tbh i don't really even care if religion exists or not, just the expelling of organized institutions that promote capitalistic and imperial interests
Only 24% of Cubans identify as non-religious.
what garlic proposed though would be that socialism would make people educated to the point where the worker abandons it
yeah there you go basically
its not really correliated imo