Message from @Ornament
Discord ID: 314481239870406677
people in imperialist countries would be more revolutionary if they would see the exploitation of 3rd world out of their window
@Mawk one life cost 15.000$ That is the cost of a surgery for heart for the newborn in China. When I see somebody driving a 150.000$ car I shake.
what do you guys think about the neolib argument that states that opening up these factories in third world countries actually improves the quality of life when compared to what they would have been doing before (subsistence farming)?
You can drive 15.000 car and save lives
but isn't that just furthering exploitation?
@Mawk if you are exploited it doesn't mean you are living worse than before.
It only means they take your work, energy, input for free
Its free to them and it cost your time and health.
i get that but what about the moral implications? should a developed country seek to improve living conditions in a country even if it means exploitation or leave them as it be?
@Mawk it is not a question of a will of the "developed" country. If you already robbed half of the world than you probably considered developed, yes?
Its like you are surprised a thief has more gold than the victim of his
i think you're misunderstanding what i'm saying
the neolib argument is saying that opening up factories in a place like china is raising the standard of living for those working in the factories
@Mawk I think you misunderstand the sequence of actions. First you rob, than you are "developed"
lmao its literally the opposite
@Ornament ok, i get that. but should a "developed" country then look to exploit more workers in different countries if it were to raise the standard of living for the workers in those factories?
once again, i'm not saying that they should. but the neolibs argue that opening up factories raises the standard of living in less developed countries
oops, true
yeah, the neolibs are arguing for more factories to be opened
so should they be opened then?
@Garlic the Soviet said that it doesn't actually increase the standard of living but rather does the opposite
don't stop typing @Garlic the Soviet
typing what?
i am not typing anything
*actin a lil fishy there garlic*
you are scaring me
it would be terrible is something **bad** happened to you
i just want to warn you
i am straight
Fuck capitalism and communism, bring back mercantilism and imperialism