Message from @Blebleh
Discord ID: 319591887302295562
@Deleted User hello ^__^
i just figured it would be polite to say hi ... ive never been here
how are you
@Deleted User do you have memes we don't know here?
um probably not v///v
@Deleted User yes! But it is very right-wingy to my liking.
hmm i dont think its suppose to represent a ideology just be silly
also chaplin was a anarchist
oh i think i have that one somewhere
but not properly named
@Deleted User I like more colorful
sooo ya...
isreal is scary af
@Deleted User Its is not that Israel is scary. It is just that Palestine is occupied.
na i mean like the way they run their government is sickening and has airs of nationalistic facism
not even the palestinian occupation
@Deleted User I prefer to refer to Palestine as Palestine.
oh i see jokes
How much traffic you can get from Discord Servers lists if you pay?
Do we ever talk on voice ?
guys we have to stop this red genocide