Message from @rhus
Discord ID: 318593473194491904
I'd live in Skyrim IRL
It's beautiful
The Rift is 👌
i'd live in cyrodil
nah fam, Whiterun. Perfectly cold and green.
Anvil / The Gold Coast is also 👌
Dwemer are the master race
They are gone Ronny
skingrad is where its at yo
>tfw Dwemer are killed by immigration of an inferior race
>Ulfric is the true high king
Nah ni🅱🅱a I am
Damn you're right I forgot about Skingrad somehow
in one of the old games, isn't there like 1 last Dwemer you can talk too
in daggerfall you can find a dragon
What's skingrad
a city in cyrodill
Cyrodil is like Italy
That's in Morrowind. His name is Yagrum Bagarn iirc, basically he says they got cucked by inferior races moving in on them and then a plague began to spread throughout their people. They basically teleported to another dimension (the main theory but YB is pretty insane so unreliable) to escape the subhuman tides
The dwemer survivor I mean
Yeah it's weird how the dwemer just vanished and left their tech behind
skingrad i mean
Count of Skingrad is a total bro too, the only noble in the game that's actually possible to empathize with
he is badass
Companions > faggot Dark Hand guys
Nathan have you not played any other ES game than skyrim?
No, and I haven't played skyrim in ages. I wanna get back into it though.
Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim was by far the worst version of any guild yet
Even Thieves Guild in Skyrim was marginally better
Oblivion Dark brotherhood was soo damn cool
ehh, Dark Brotherhood was fun to do, I'd say it was more fun than thieves guild
you actually felt like an assassin
killing that pirate and all
(i've played every ES game :])
I'd play morrowind but it's so old, needs a remaster.
Shivering Isles is a good DLC
Sheogorath is a bro
it was the best
It was fun but both were incredibly lackluster compared to any other game. Morag Tong (Morrowind version) you basically played a medieval gunslinger, just walk into bars and waste people, which was fun in its own right. In Oblivion you sneak around and actually do assassin type stuff. Skyrim was just kinda...fetch quests except the "fetch" was killing people
The Emperor quest was cool though, getting aboard the ship