Message from @Arhippa [bruised asshole]

Discord ID: 545057601688174593

2019-02-13 01:10:31 UTC  


2019-02-13 01:11:15 UTC  

!l makia

2019-02-13 01:11:15 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `makia`

2019-02-13 01:11:16 UTC  

2019-02-13 01:13:12 UTC  

!l dodo sorsa

2019-02-13 01:13:13 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `dodo sorsa`

2019-02-13 01:17:00 UTC  

!l puistossa

2019-02-13 01:17:00 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `puistossa`

2019-02-13 01:17:32 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** πŸ”Ž `Boeing 747 warning sounds`

2019-02-13 01:17:34 UTC  

**Playing** 🎢 `Alarms, T-CAS and GPWS of Boeing 747` - Now!

2019-02-13 01:17:45 UTC  


2019-02-13 01:17:45 UTC  

⏩ ***Skipped*** πŸ‘

2019-02-13 01:36:08 UTC  

!l chocolate rain

2019-02-13 01:36:09 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `chocolate rain`

2019-02-13 01:36:09 UTC  

2019-02-13 01:42:13 UTC  

!l ratasessarit

2019-02-13 01:42:13 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `ratasessarit`

2019-02-13 01:42:14 UTC  

2019-02-13 01:43:58 UTC  

!l kill yourself part 3

2019-02-13 01:43:59 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `kill yourself part 3`

2019-02-13 01:44:18 UTC  

!l suicideboys kill yourself

2019-02-13 01:44:19 UTC  

❌ **Could not find lyrics for **`suicideboys kill yourself`

2019-02-13 01:44:25 UTC  

!l kill yourdelf

2019-02-13 01:44:25 UTC  

❌ **Please wait 3 seconds before using the lyrics command again**

2019-02-13 01:44:33 UTC  

!l kill yourself

2019-02-13 01:44:33 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `kill yourself`

2019-02-13 01:48:17 UTC  

!l no type

2019-02-13 01:48:18 UTC  

πŸ” **Searching lyrics for ** `no type`

2019-02-13 01:48:19 UTC  

2019-02-13 02:27:28 UTC  

**Black lives Matter** will now play.

2019-02-13 02:29:35 UTC  

**Black lives Matter** will now play.

2019-02-13 02:36:07 UTC  

!p excuse me Rocky

2019-02-13 02:36:07 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** πŸ”Ž `excuse me Rocky`

2019-02-13 02:36:07 UTC  

2019-02-13 02:39:12 UTC  


2019-02-13 02:39:12 UTC  

⏩ ***Skipped*** πŸ‘

2019-02-13 02:39:12 UTC  

:x: **I failed to execute that command**, encountered: `net.dv8tion.jda.core.exceptions.InsufficientPermissionException Cannot perform action due to a lack of Permission. Missing permission: MESSAGE_WRITE`

2019-02-13 02:42:32 UTC  


2019-02-13 02:42:32 UTC  

πŸ”‚ **Disabled!**

2019-02-13 02:42:49 UTC  

!p cash shit carti

2019-02-13 02:42:49 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** πŸ”Ž `cash shit carti`