Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 330190121838182420

2017-06-30 03:25:28 UTC  

Let's be clear about our terms. Communists (Marxist-Leninit) have nothing to do with Soros.

2017-06-30 03:25:52 UTC  

The 'left' as you understand it, are revisionist and reactionary stooges.

2017-06-30 03:26:43 UTC  

The classic left I do have to give credit for how long it stood for, even if I do not agree with them and it did not turn out well in the end.

2017-06-30 03:27:05 UTC  

Modern leftism has mostly been reduced to a fucking joke.

2017-06-30 03:27:15 UTC  


2017-06-30 03:27:35 UTC  

Cheers to Stalin. If only he could have lived forever.

2017-06-30 03:28:20 UTC  

But no. Marxists believe that the tides come and go. There will be more revolutions in the future.

2017-06-30 03:28:54 UTC  

Heh, I still stand for private property and a free market, I just want it changed so that it cannot be manipulated and controlled into causing differences on the political scale.

2017-06-30 03:29:55 UTC  

The issue with capitalism is it is controlled by the jews in giant corporations who will preform actions that will cause the world to be maniupated to their will.

2017-06-30 03:30:08 UTC  

Hence israel, saudi arabia, soros, and more.

2017-06-30 03:31:37 UTC  

Capitalism always leads to exploitation and monopolies. More importantly, it creates tension in society, which has to be dealt with in some way. This implies a state which favours a ruling class, and so on and so on, only escalating the social tensions. It will never end well.

2017-06-30 03:33:41 UTC  

I do believen heiracrchies (In the sense that the state that rules over the population is always right).

2017-06-30 03:34:22 UTC  

I do not believe that corporations should control the people, rather the state should.

2017-06-30 03:34:39 UTC  

That depends if the hierarchy is for a purpose or goal, like the military. or if the hierarchy is an ends in itself, like a dynasty.

2017-06-30 03:35:06 UTC  

Certainly, in its current state, humanity needs authority to function.

2017-06-30 03:35:21 UTC  

But that doesn't mean it should always be this way.

2017-06-30 03:35:42 UTC  

Authority should be used to enlighten humanity and process it forwards.

2017-06-30 03:35:51 UTC  


2017-06-30 03:35:53 UTC  

Even to a point where authority will be needed less and less.

2017-06-30 03:37:22 UTC  

I believe that the state should always exist to unite humanity, and to provide them protection as well as help provide items such as food and water.

2017-06-30 03:37:39 UTC  

While also leading them on their path.

2017-06-30 03:38:36 UTC  

At least until something like the technological singularity occurs but that is an argument for another day.

2017-06-30 03:50:34 UTC  

@Deleted User For the time being we both agree that the state is necessary. But I think a Socialist state.

2017-06-30 03:53:22 UTC  

"Communism is unstoppable and unbeatable"

2017-06-30 03:59:57 UTC  

I don't know how you do it. It is extremely taxing to put up with such terrible ignorance.

2017-06-30 04:03:38 UTC  

Meh, after being on the internet for such a long time you just learn to tolerate it for the most part.

2017-06-30 04:05:39 UTC  

@Deleted User Do you want to tease out why you still defend capitalism, or should be leave it?

2017-06-30 04:08:23 UTC  

I do not defend capitalism at all, I believen a free market that is rid of the influences from the world and is modified so that monopolies cannot grow and cause the lives of the people to be controlled not by the state, but by the corporations they begin to live under.

2017-06-30 04:09:30 UTC  

The only thing I could compare it to somewhat is the US market in the 19th centuary after teddy roosevelt broke up the monopolies.

2017-06-30 04:09:45 UTC  

Corporate free market? Sounds like AnCap.

2017-06-30 04:10:02 UTC  

Hell no.

2017-06-30 04:11:33 UTC  

I believen a strong state that supports the hard working people that keep the country functioning, while also having a free market to provide resources to the people that are acquired through currency.

2017-06-30 04:11:52 UTC  

I believe that you may have misinturptired that or I did not word it properly.

2017-06-30 04:13:18 UTC  

Along with that, I also believe that the state has a very strong military, so it gives people not just an opportunity to earn money, but to defend their borders and to support the country in times of crisis.

2017-06-30 04:17:27 UTC  

It seems like you are just trying to take the best aspects of every idea and ignore the contradictions between them. When you say 'people are to be controlled', do you mean by the state or by corporations? Any kind of repression will not be sustainable. You do not have to believe me, I suppose. A lot of ideology is motivated by blind optimism.

2017-06-30 04:20:02 UTC  

What I meant was by the state.

2017-06-30 04:21:02 UTC  

So then there will be a tension between corporations and the state, the corporations will become powerful and try to control politics, which is what happens everywhere nowadays. How will this be prevented?

2017-06-30 04:21:05 UTC  

Let me elaborate on that.

2017-06-30 04:23:11 UTC  

What I meant was that I believed in in a strong state that supports the hard working population that keeps the country going, while also having a free market to distribute resources such as food and water, while having some luxuries provided by it. I also wanted the market modified so that monopolies cannot grow powerful enough to challenge the authority of the state and to begin manipulating the people within it.