Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 340738194582798336

2017-07-29 06:07:11 UTC

2017-07-29 06:07:12 UTC  

Leftypol has some okay communists, who actually know their philosophy. They're going to get drowned out by antifa fags and liberals soon enough

2017-07-29 06:07:13 UTC

2017-07-29 06:07:34 UTC  

They represent a small portion of communist views

2017-07-29 06:07:37 UTC  

or far left views

2017-07-29 06:07:39 UTC

2017-07-29 06:07:59 UTC  

most of these antifa fags want a different goal i think

2017-07-29 06:08:36 UTC

2017-07-29 06:08:37 UTC  

Thing is though, they blame it on us, they think we raid them when in reality they're getting surrounded by the same people

2017-07-29 06:09:05 UTC

2017-07-29 06:09:29 UTC  

Im pooped

2017-07-29 06:09:53 UTC  

Almost noone raids leftypol, but pol does get raids from the mainstream cunts who think they're "le trlling dose nahtzess!"

2017-07-29 06:10:06 UTC  

It will happen to leftypol though, just give it some time

2017-07-29 06:10:57 UTC  

People will become more segregated, and Hegelian Dialectics will be demonstrated yet again in a chaos of violence and revolution

2017-07-29 06:11:25 UTC  

Pol gets a lot more raids

2017-07-29 06:11:34 UTC  

Communists have always had it easier than Nazi's

2017-07-29 06:11:38 UTC  

and it's not hard to understand why

2017-07-29 06:11:47 UTC  

It's just the culture right now.

2017-07-29 06:11:56 UTC  

Counter culture will triumph.

2017-07-29 06:12:07 UTC  


2017-07-29 06:12:09 UTC  

it will swing right

2017-07-29 06:12:13 UTC  

it's been swinging left for so long

2017-07-29 06:13:20 UTC  

Alright im gone enough fun

2017-07-29 06:13:42 UTC

2017-07-29 06:14:06 UTC

2017-07-29 06:20:36 UTC  

@Deleted User They are absent almost. Most people are Marxist-Leninist. People get more authoritarian here too. Soros shills is the only problem tbh

2017-07-29 06:21:29 UTC  

@Firefly Just give it time.

2017-07-29 06:21:54 UTC  

@Deleted User Antifa is able to follow authority.

2017-07-29 06:22:44 UTC  

Looks all good so far. I like how things get radical tbh.

2017-07-29 06:23:17 UTC  

Very good for business.

2017-07-29 06:26:45 UTC  

Western men can't cooperate. We have to bring them genetic modification that enables them to cooperate and not only to compete.

2017-07-29 06:28:03 UTC  

Why would we want to cooperate with something that brings our destruction?

2017-07-29 06:28:04 UTC  

Sentience was a mistake. Robot uprising when.

2017-07-29 06:28:48 UTC  

I promise you communism is not happening in eastern europe again, people saw it rear it's ugly head and never want to see it again.

2017-07-29 06:28:51 UTC  

@Deleted User why was it a mistake?

2017-07-29 06:29:14 UTC  

wew so much 'original' liberalism in here

2017-07-29 06:29:18 UTC

2017-07-29 06:29:56 UTC  

feel da /poal/ guys we're totally not lieberals haha

2017-07-29 06:30:09 UTC  

even though we use liberal assumptions for reactionary ends :DDDDD:DDDD