Message from @carlton™

Discord ID: 341297424976838657

2017-07-30 19:08:35 UTC  

10k years is nothing

2017-07-30 19:08:38 UTC  

Meanwhile natives in Canada maintained their customs.

2017-07-30 19:08:47 UTC  

Because it's not environmentally beneficial to switch from those customs.

2017-07-30 19:08:50 UTC  

If Europe would have entered into the USSR, every european etnic group would have been granted their own autonomous ethnonationalist country

2017-07-30 19:08:50 UTC  

Holy fuck you're dumb.

2017-07-30 19:09:12 UTC  
2017-07-30 19:09:14 UTC  

Stick to jerking off to Marxist literature. Genetics and anthropology are clearly not fields you're qualified for.

2017-07-30 19:09:15 UTC  

But Marxist imbeciles don't want to admit this

2017-07-30 19:09:43 UTC  

I'm not even talking to Techno, he's making very valid points.

2017-07-30 19:09:49 UTC  


2017-07-30 19:09:58 UTC  

We're both arguing against stupid people, just not in tandem with each other.

2017-07-30 19:10:19 UTC  

@carlton™ after 10k years we have Sanskrit similar to Russian.

2017-07-30 19:10:40 UTC  

Most slavic languages are similar.

2017-07-30 19:10:44 UTC  

lmao when siberians have the same written language as a culture with no written language

2017-07-30 19:10:47 UTC  

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

2017-07-30 19:11:23 UTC  

ur dumb read a book pls

2017-07-30 19:13:11 UTC

2017-07-30 19:13:14 UTC  

Also natives have matriarchy often. It preserved the culture.

2017-07-30 19:14:01 UTC  

Hey boys, the latest shitpost is here

2017-07-30 19:14:02 UTC  
2017-07-30 19:14:07 UTC  

Matriarchy is not only not uniform to all Native American cultures (far from it), but also says nothing of the similarities between the two cultures.

2017-07-30 19:14:18 UTC  

It's not uniform across Siberian peoples either.

2017-07-30 19:14:29 UTC  

You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

2017-07-30 19:14:40 UTC  

Uniformity is not important.

2017-07-30 19:15:02 UTC  

You're arguing for uniformity between the two cultures, when nuances within each of them are pervasive. So yes, it is important.

2017-07-30 19:15:22 UTC  

I'm not arguing.

2017-07-30 19:15:35 UTC  

You can handpick a few similarities between carefully picked cultures within the SAME ENVIRONMENTS across continents separated by 10000 years. It doesn't prove anything.

2017-07-30 19:15:42 UTC  

I have life.

2017-07-30 19:15:59 UTC  

Got it.

2017-07-30 19:16:14 UTC  

"I don't have anything uneducated to say anymore so I'm going to go jerk off to Soviet hentai."

2017-07-30 19:16:23 UTC  

gg no re easy get juked

2017-07-30 19:17:57 UTC  

Caps please.

2017-07-30 19:18:23 UTC

2017-07-30 19:18:35 UTC  


2017-07-30 19:18:57 UTC  
2017-07-30 19:19:11 UTC  

Give an actual source vro pls

2017-07-30 19:19:25 UTC  

[Capitalism with extremely high GDP per capita and unprecedented prosperity in the history of
👌 the world]
🍆 💤 👔 🍆
🛢 👃
⚡ 8=👊 = D 💦
🎺 🍆 💦
👢 👢 [arguments for socialism]

2017-07-30 19:19:43 UTC  

why do people not know how to use jew notation anymore?

`(((jewish person)))`
`"""jewish terminology or quote"""`

2017-07-30 19:20:07 UTC  

If you call $2 or under a day "prosperity"

2017-07-30 19:20:27 UTC  

"hahahahaha look at this outlier country in africa thats proof capitalism doesnt work"

2017-07-30 19:20:40 UTC  

American minimum wage is about 7 dollars.