Message from @SloveneAnon
Discord ID: 344450423018749953
everyone fucking laugh now
this was sargon "replying" to the alt right you dense motherfucker
>caring what sargon says
right up there with spamming black cock to defeat white genocide
glad you got it in the end
Sargon of (((Akkad)))
Woah, what a shock, why is he downplaying the alt-right?
because he's a (((civic nationalist)))
the civic nationalism meme
pretty sure the whole idea of white genocide will fade. Especially since we have such a propensity for killing ourselves slowly.
>implying it's currently alive
I mean I already know 3 closet pill junkies at my church.
They want nothing to do with u until they hear you are having elective surgery .. then your phone blows up.
"got any extra pills???"
grow a pair of balls and buy it on the corner.
what are these memes
check their library development programme n shit
he doesn't want to understand why it was necessary
or compare pre-USSR literacy rates
Im an anti communist myself, but credit is due where it is due
through literacy, humans can stave off hunger pains by reading about the food that they do not have.
Where's my leftypol gone
anarchis <:porky:315615014751043588>
neo feudalist