Message from @df
Discord ID: 345911100870492160
@Deleted User promise?
then what do you identify with? are u one of those "There is white genocide going amd its done by the big bad jew"
@df is white genocide not going on?
No but it should
a white genocide? loooool
Are you literally an Ethiopian migrant who lives in Denmark
"The birth rate is going down in the west and ITS OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE OF THE JEWS AND WHITE GENOCIDE"
yeah i live in denmark and i am ethiopian
rape any kids lately?
nahhh, lost your virginity yet?
Dude low birthrates is not the problem
Replacing whites with lesser races is the problem
Look at Japan, they're doing fine
pls do not feed the ethiopian @DOAN
Okay, I just got here
give the article a once-over anyway, give you a chance to practice your English
Japan is literally a robot nation with high suicide rate that is having a MAJOR decline in population....that is not fine
I'd genocide the Japs too, tbh
"Lesser races" what kind of a sick mindset is this?
go outside sometimes hombre
"Lesser races" like Germans and whatnot
Why didn't you stay in Africa?
Because i am making more money in EU.
but Africa is rising
So like, there's more industry and opportunity in white nations?
Yeah based on the exploitation of Africa, but it is changing
Alot of african Nations are rising and are turning away from the greedy/corrupt west
I thought Africa was there before any white civilization ever existed?
like South Africa that's killing all of its white farmers then begging for them to return
Africa was there and will be there after whites die out
die out by machete
South Africa is begging white farmers to return? can't even get your 4chan facts straight...u thinking about Zimbabwe and Robert Mugabe is senile
So why didn't Africa fight off the imperalists with their advanced technology?
It's one of the most resource rich continents on the planet, so that's no excuse
Who said anything about advanced technology? the Africans weren't mass murderers, but the European states were always bloodthirsty