Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 347096622255177740
they also love pedophiles and terrorists
dailystormer, breitbart and others love whites
please dont try and tie breitbart to the daily stormer
the daily stormer is a disgusting neo-nazi hate site
breitbart is right-leaning news outlet
tbh i wish people would stop caring about race at all
i hate identity politics
Thats why I hate BLM and the Alt Right
i dislike BLM to, but when people compare them to the KKK thats when i have to stop them
like have you read a history book?
yeah i dont compare them to the kkk
BLM is more like antifa than kkk
does anyone here use the voice channels
sam hyde
he does it again
Sam hide
you can run but you cant
oh G-d that assigned male comic
Did they really made Holocauster Tycoon?
can someone join antifasshit chat
im lonely
Fucking antifa
What a gay
Yeah antifa is gay
I wonder why they wouldn't shut down Antifa servers too 🤔
/brit/ did a little post about here
just checking out wag1
bit shit in here init
both are shit as eachother
Yeah but I think Nazis have a higher kill count