Message from @National Trotskyist
Discord ID: 347112268259131394
/brit/ did a little post about here
just checking out wag1
bit shit in here init
both are shit as eachother
Yeah but I think Nazis have a higher kill count
Hence why their servers were axed
When it hits the millions does it really matter
but if you consider antifa to be commies (as most of them are) then antifa would have the higher count
To call them anything else would be a lie
Left - Polish Black Madonna
Right - Haitian Goddess Erzulie Dantor
Would you count this as niggers doing cultural appropriation?
@Deleted User I thought antifas are anarchists larping
Original antifa were communist paramilitaries fighting with sturmabteilung, but after the war anarkiddies have appropriated the symbolics
i think modern antifa are probs ancom
with the SA?
what SA are we talking about
Röhm's SA?
wtf i love antifa now
Funny that communists also used to have shared parades with them
Sturmabteilung did nothing wrong
Let me look them up real quick
>not knowing who the SA were
typical LARPing commie
begome nazbol xDD
Implying I'm communist.
😄 benis commie
fucking discord changing my emoji
wut r u den
: D
Not a faggot nazi.