Message from @Anglican
Discord ID: 349477905010655246
Because society shall shit upon you, and you self-image will be pushed down ad broke up.
It would work better if y'all would at least try to understand
Be a person, not a cog. For the machien is rusting and quaking with every turn.
I understand.
You just don't understand.
I think I know more about myself than you
You recongize that you have an issue, bt you must solve it.
@Medaline Pissing yourself in your chair because two people called you autistic? Get a life, seriously.
No, no. Danger. Don't encourage the lose of innocence and emotional connection.
It is best to die a child then to live as a sinner. Rmember that.
Like I said you are mean you should at least try to understand @Deleted User
this chat is so gay
Stop dwelling in your own self pity and drag your ass out of your computer chair to do something with your life.
It is something that happens naturally, do not support it. For before you know it, they'll be degenerating faster then the Jewish race.
i can't help myself
I have no computer I don't need one @Deleted User
...You're on your iPhone?
Not iPhone
Also, side note
this is a real nigger right here.
This one song is really good.
The rest are... Eh...
The fact that you wake up at 4 AM is evidence in itself that you were most likely going to sleep at an extremely early time, possibly crying yourself to sleep again.
But this right here.
that's disgusting
normie degenerate music
Its 11:01 for me
the music has no soul, no harmony or melody
I don't live where you live @Deleted User
Not too bad, but considering that you seemingly just spend all of your time on your damn phone, you need to go out and do something.
This, seriously.