Message from @Dom
Discord ID: 353361574787940352
always the same substanceless shit
watched a youtube video on how fascism wasnt as bad as people thought
and becomes a fascist
wow ur edgy
m8 i wish i could be that cool
makin 9/11 joeks xD
not even a good 9/11 joke
9/11 jokes are literally gonna be 16 years old in a few days
German was fascists in the sense Sweden and the US are democracies. They might follow different systems but they still follow the basics same principles.
i mean
i get what you're saying
but the US/Sweden thing doesnt really hold up
there are many ways of letting the people decide
whereas fascism is a more defined ideal
Italy and German were different but in the big picture they were both fascist states
germany was fascist
but it deviated a lot
in some places
It did. But every democracy and differing governments are different
but italy and germany sort of homogenised a bit later on
Hence China and Soviet union
but thats not really a comparison
Both communist
a democracy is a way of picking a leader
But different
an ideology
is a way of runnning a country
That's how you run a country
you pick a leader
a leader has an ideology
often a democratic system picks an ideology
Different countries establish the same system but it differs on how they apply it
i get what you're saying
and i agree a bit
but the democracy thing isnt really linked
I'm back