Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 353362748224176139
Don't you do it
It means the fucks won't go no where now without the Police
I dunno man, some people it's ok to want to punch. I think we all listened to Ghandi a bit too much. Violence is actually pretty useful sometimes
Why would you want people to not be able to peacefully protest
Without the police
That's fine
if violence with those you dissagree with is okay
the strongest win
thats not a good system
Antifa needs to fix their image. Rioting is fucking stupid
and that ancom shit in hamburg
burning cars?
"i protest the right of property"
okay then mate take your clothes off
But, like, maybe if you're shouting things like group X are Y and should be Zd, it's ok to want to hit those guys.
no its not
Drunk on truth
Both sides do that. It's fucking stupid
@Deleted User I'm glad
i dont care about your ideology
because it means they can't attack people
but if you burn someone elses car?
you're a cunt
without the police being on you ina moemnt
Also, my point was literally never to attack peaceful protestors, you said it was because it's easy to say thats dumb
and espec
he attack
go to bed
Adrian have you been on the bottle?
you're not my real dad
It is it dumb to attack peaceful protestors
go munch on a freddo