Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 355926824997355520
It seems like meaningful ignorance to me
I am not reducing the individual, I am liberating it from false baggage. I get it depends on your perspective.
you have to ignore human history and behavior
Oh, so now we are a materialist.
>History and behavior
No, I'm not
History and behaviour is determined by material reality, no?
Is communism still a meme
Being anti-materialist doesn't mean that I disregard science
@Deleted User If conditions = material and not materials --> conditions sure
Seems like we have to hash out our terminology.
What do you lads think of the IRA
Everything can be reduced to the material @Deleted User
@Irish Take back what's yours mate
The Eternal Mick rises
I don't understand. If material can explain everything, what else is there left?
The material cannot explain everything
when did i imply this
Other than that the fasc outfit is nice
INLA, a break away faction of the IRA
What can't the material explain?
@Irish Stands for?
Irish National Liberation Army
Communist LARPers?
No proper communists
The interpretation of material is based upon human perception
Yeah communist LARPers
Tried to kill thatcher a few times, they killed her right hand man tho
that metaphysical thought is what seperates us
I don't understand. Why are commies fighting for Irish independence and not the opposite?
gives us culture
Irish republicanism is a socialist movement
>Marxist Socialist