Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 355923822437728257
I don't think he approaches it from that perspective
but I personally think that it is more important
The physical nature of something tells you nothing of it's utility or it's importance
Materialism has no future or past @Deleted User
>The physical nature of something tells you nothing of it's utility or it's importance
I fully agree with this. But then how to make the leap into the metaphysical? Seems like just idealism.
What's the problem with idealism? The metaphysical incorporates the material, obviously
or else it would have no base
Well, just because the material lacks an essence, doesn't mean you should just go on and invent one for it in the metaphysical.
That's a kind of replacement mythology.
And I'm not sure if that's better or worse than before.
I can follow the scepticism, but not the supposed solution.
So you agree with that there is a space that needs to be filled but you don't agree with the replacement? @Deleted User
Pretty much. I'm just stuck on the that. Which I why I like Stirner. It is content with the lack of identity of the self.
But lack of identity would mean the lack of the individual and therefore nihilism
and nihilism is destructive in itself
Destructive in the sense that it negates ontological delusions, or 'spooks'.
It can be painful.
But I mean, are we doing philosophy or pain relief?
Philosophy is the development of understanding, which is a relief in itself
or you could advocate ignorance
It's deliberately destructive when you knowingly reduce the individual and his complexity
it ultimately comes down to egoism, which i find disgusting
It seems like meaningful ignorance to me
I am not reducing the individual, I am liberating it from false baggage. I get it depends on your perspective.
you have to ignore human history and behavior
Oh, so now we are a materialist.
>History and behavior
No, I'm not
History and behaviour is determined by material reality, no?
Is communism still a meme
Being anti-materialist doesn't mean that I disregard science
@Deleted User If conditions = material and not materials --> conditions sure
Seems like we have to hash out our terminology.
What do you lads think of the IRA
Everything can be reduced to the material @Deleted User
@Irish Take back what's yours mate