Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 355927301076156416
The material cannot explain everything
when did i imply this
Other than that the fasc outfit is nice
INLA, a break away faction of the IRA
What can't the material explain?
@Irish Stands for?
Irish National Liberation Army
Communist LARPers?
No proper communists
The interpretation of material is based upon human perception
Yeah communist LARPers
Tried to kill thatcher a few times, they killed her right hand man tho
that metaphysical thought is what seperates us
I don't understand. Why are commies fighting for Irish independence and not the opposite?
gives us culture
Irish republicanism is a socialist movement
>Marxist Socialist
Nah democratic socialist
Sounds like late joiners pretending to be the creators to me. Socialism =/= Marxcuckery
As long as the lads are fighting for limey independence it's whatever
@Deleted User If you want to get all philosophical everything is material maaaaaaaaaan
Isn't it?
No, in the metaphysicall interpretation of material itself
accusations of fantasy would be more appropriate for egoistic points of view
since the egoist puts himself above the material, completely forgetting it
@Irish I wonder what an NS incursion in Ireland would look like. I'm sure there's some small group in the IRA that are in that sort of bracket
but condemning others to an eternal binding with it
You said that there is some things that the material cannot explain. Even though metaphysical thought can be explained by materialism.
Egoism does not put himself above the material.
National socialism?
>not using materiel as a means
@Irish Aye