Message from @mr.sandman
Discord ID: 360248879515435008
@mr.sandman Why someone with Gorbachev as a nickname says it? I thought he was a commie.
No we need to end it
I agree
It's falling apart
We done fucked up
Hitler was a good communist
Yes Hitler was a good man
I forgive him
Can we jack Stolen off
Watch this
Jerk my starving cock off
Stolen is why I'm jewish now
No it's a new age communism is dead
This is why
Communism won't work
so wait
ponies support death of people
you have 2 communist leaders saying this won't work
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***DoctorPigmd#8480 was banned!***
I know a few christian commies
but ight
You guys don't know anything about economics
The black man is the hammer
That is the sickle