Message from @Killy
Discord ID: 367081564422537219
Wdym I can't be serious
@chill with that shit Unironic nazbols are possibly the most autistic and stupid group of people out there, even more so than most of the branches of anarchism and "communism"
Nazbol is just a meme ideology.
It has no substance to it.
I'll be leaving then
I cri
I can guess that most of this server is beta Trotskyites
@Deleted User The server is dying, almost all leftists have left.
@Deleted User also that resist capitalism girl is trolling, she's anti sjw
@Deleted User Why not join christianity instead? It unites us all :^)
Dude stop
Oh dear.
Not this one @Deleted User
@☭ chill with that shit#2162 What is it?
@Deleted User Islam: The religion of tolerance
Also, remember that this is not just limited to middle eastern muslims.
Im a Jew with a Muslim friend, but holy shit is the saudi gov dumb.
I also pray to Hitler 3 times a day
What's your political shit @sleeping zzz
shit it says romney instead of reagan, ignore thta
There's a fashy right there @Deleted User
@chill with that shit Why the hell do you keep pinging me?
U pinged u twice fashyfag
cuz hes gay haha faggot
U where better before you where fascist