Message from @Anglican

Discord ID: 375039303627309058

2017-10-31 21:50:04 UTC  

So that's out of the question

2017-10-31 21:50:07 UTC  


2017-10-31 21:50:11 UTC  

and turkey is also kinda weaksauce

2017-10-31 21:50:22 UTC  

*turks incoming*

2017-10-31 21:50:23 UTC  

Remove kebab

2017-10-31 21:50:30 UTC  

But you guys like, are cool with Berlin?

2017-10-31 21:50:33 UTC  

Any will to take back greater Serbia left in the Nation?

2017-10-31 21:50:49 UTC  

Yeah , but those are just crazy nationalists

2017-10-31 21:51:07 UTC  

rational modern people understand the only way out for serbia is for it to join the EU

2017-10-31 21:51:14 UTC  

But the dream lives on in the collective imagination?

2017-10-31 21:51:25 UTC  

it doesnt in everyone truly

2017-10-31 21:51:30 UTC  

just in some bigoted idiots

2017-10-31 21:51:41 UTC  

The EU might be a dead horse in 20 years

2017-10-31 21:51:45 UTC  


2017-10-31 21:51:52 UTC  

NATO is gonna stick around for a long long time

2017-10-31 21:51:59 UTC  

What are you? A leftist Cocohan?

2017-10-31 21:52:08 UTC  


2017-10-31 21:52:10 UTC  

Fighting words

2017-10-31 21:52:11 UTC  

leaning towards the left

2017-10-31 21:52:16 UTC  

@Cocochan NATO falls when the US falls.

2017-10-31 21:52:17 UTC  

The only Serb in Serbia is a fascist, an Ortho-Fascist

2017-10-31 21:52:23 UTC  


2017-10-31 21:52:34 UTC  

my grandma was croatian if that means anything lol

2017-10-31 21:52:43 UTC  

@Deleted User >Implying the US will ever fail

2017-10-31 21:52:47 UTC  

Well, I'm not a Serb

2017-10-31 21:52:49 UTC  

Flthy racemixing

2017-10-31 21:52:50 UTC  

I don't really care

2017-10-31 21:52:59 UTC  

@Cocochan That is like saying the sun will never go out, it will eventually.

2017-10-31 21:53:11 UTC  

The US is closer to falling than you think.

2017-10-31 21:53:23 UTC  

This tbh

2017-10-31 21:53:30 UTC  

we need balkanization now.

2017-10-31 21:53:48 UTC  

If china collapses, or trump is impeached, then civil war will erupt, and the US government will be destroyed.

2017-10-31 21:53:51 UTC  

In fact, get all the separatists into government and have a up-down parition

2017-10-31 21:54:03 UTC  

@Cocochan The fact you got a piece of yo country taken away by the Muricans doesn't make them eternal. The question is WHEN will the American Empire fail, not if.

2017-10-31 21:54:19 UTC  

America wont fall

2017-10-31 21:54:26 UTC  

for another century

2017-10-31 21:54:28 UTC  


2017-10-31 21:54:43 UTC  

@Cocochan How do you know?

2017-10-31 21:54:52 UTC  

And there would be no war in Europe after the Great War for a century AT LEAST

2017-10-31 21:55:14 UTC  

well everything is relative but u know

2017-10-31 21:55:22 UTC  

@Apollo'sJest The only wars in europe are going to be race wars for control of the continent.