Message from @Chalin
Discord ID: 378160419367550988
It's in Africa
We already know that
fucking disgusting pony lover
@Chalin A nigger, a fag, and a commie, how worse could it get?
الله ياخذك
what did you say about Allah?
I can't read arabic
I said I hope he takes your soul
my soul is already his
muslim they usally masturbate in Taipei train station they are Arab muslim
هذي قول عربيه يعني ان شاء الله تموت
so that's why I said they love masturbation in public I
@Sn0w ❄ You are a muslim too, mixed baby, I thought your religion of peace was for cooperation.
Nope. Nothing other than bait
then again I can't see his posting unless I'm on my phone
I unblocked him yesterday
How convienent is that? Literally putting your hands over your ears and pretending I don't exist, how childish.
did he say anything there
He's upset
oh crap
My ping wasn't what he said
let me go see what he said
He's called you childish
I just block him when he annoys me
No point in not blocking him
Yeah but on my pc, I don't get the blocked button popping up. Betterdiscord removes it completely
So I can only see him when I'm on my phone